Go big or go Home

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"Hey! It's so nice to see you, how have you been?",
says Jeff as he walks in the living room, where Harry has been sitting waiting for him.

He stands up and hugs him, patting his back.

They have been in talks for two weeks now; deciding on the best way forward to get Harry's career on track again.

They both sit. Harry leans forward resting his elbows on his knees before talking.

"Good, been reading the scripts you sent me"

"But" Jeff adds, sensing Harry's reluctance.

"Music, Jeff", it's all he offers as an explanation.

"It is risky, Harry. It has been more than two years, there are loads of new kids out there. If you start with a couple movies, we get your name back out there, get the headlines rolling. We secure the hype for a new album, and it's a done success".

Jeff bends over to mirror Harry's posture: "Trust me. We did this once after 1D, we can do it again. But we need to revive your name first".

"There must be a quicker way. I can't waste another two years. I need to be on stage. This is killing me".

Harry adds quietly, running a hand through his hair.

Jeff stares at him thoughtfully, pondering their options; "Well, there may be a way. I got a call this morning".

Harry lifts his eyes and leans back on the sofa.

"Sure. Hit me".

"A collaboration, a surprise one. We announce a new album with a featured track and hint at the.."

"Concert", Harry interrupts him, "I want to go back performing live. I don't want a two week Tiktok trend success'.

"A concert" Jeff parrots, and Harry nods.

"Yes, get me a full stadium", he smiles cheekily at Jeff's thoughtful expression.

Jeff meets his eyes for a long minute; "let me make some phone calls then".

Harry's grin widens "thank you", he says as he stands up to hug Jeff goodbye.

Once alone Harry walks to the tall glass window that overlooks the his back garden.

"It's gonna be fine" he tells himself, "go big or go home".

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