It's a deal

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"Alright, so these are Donna, Blake, and Bradley," Jeff introduces them, and Harry extends his hand to shake theirs in order.

"Pleasure," "Pleasure," "Big fan." He smiles at their niceties. "Thank you."

"They are part of Taylor's legal team. They're here to discuss the necessary specifics of the collaboration," Jeff explains.

Harry looks from them to Jeff, puzzled, trying hard to hide that he is feeling insulted, and moreover, hurt, that she has sent "her people" to talk to him. His jaw tightens, and he feels a knot forming in his stomach.

He knows he had messed things up with her in the past, numerous times, but he had expected she would have spared the time to discuss something as important as this with him.

So her fucking megastar status has finally gone to her head, he thinks, resentment bubbling up inside him.

Jeff has been pointing at the chair beside him to sit at the meeting table, but he isn't moving.

"Harry," he says, gesturing and moving the chair to allow him to sit. He does then, his movements stiff and reluctant.

"Perfect," Jeff mutters, doing the same next to him, sensing Harry's discomfort.

"We have brought some essential documents that we will need you to sign before we can continue with the agreement details," Donna begins, her tone professional and detached.

"We didn't bring a lawyer," Harry interjects, his tone drier than he intended.

"It's just a formality," Jeff appeases him, "a standard NDA."

Donna, who had spoken, nods and smiles shily at Jeff, and then slides the documents on the table towards Harry, placing a pen in front of him. Harry leans forward to look at them, his eyes scanning the pages without really reading a word.

"As you can see, Mr. Styles, the document has three different sections. Section 1 pertains to the nature of this meeting, Section 2..."

He zones out, staring at Jeff, who discreetly nods at him.

Harry waits patiently for Donna to finish talking and then grabs the pen in front of him, signing both pages with a sense of resignation.

"We will send you a copy," she clarifies, her voice steady and unemotional.

"Thank you," Harry responds automatically. "Why do I feel like I have just signed my divorce papers?" he jests turning to Jeff, his attempt at humour falling flat as the door opens.

"Shouldn't you have married me first for that?" a familiar voice returns, as her team scrambles to the door and leaves them.

He turns to look at her.

Taylor is smiling at him, and he feels himself seated, frozen in place, unable to look away as he stares back at her.

She looks beautiful, with her hair flowing in silky blonde waves, her blue eyes, and those pouty soft red lips—lips he had loved to kiss—causing his heart to skip several beats.

It is Jeff who breaks the spell. "Taylor! I didn't know you were joining us today," he says as he stands up to greet her profusely.

Harry follows and stands up slowly, discreetly fixing his hair.

"What?" he hears her say as she hugs Jeff, "you don't think I would leave this in the hands of anyone else."

She turns to look at him intently then, and the room around them vanishes, and suddenly there is only her.

"Styles," she greets him, breaking the spell, a soft smile. "You look good," she tells him quietly before leaning in to hug him, and he feels her warmth envelop him completely.

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