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They hadn't considered timing. Versioning a song is "easy" — a day of recording in a studio. But rummaging through their music catalogues to find two perfect songs they could sing together is much more difficult and a lengthier process.

The concert has already been announced, endorsements are in place, the special guest's name has been kept a secret, and her legal team has been relentless about signing NDAs. Easter eggs have been strategically placed everywhere, with swifties already on their case, creating hype.

They mainly work via FaceTime when their schedules align, and use voice notes when inspiration strikes while traveling or in different time zones.

Harry finds himself seated comfortably on his bed, legs crossed, guitar cradled in his hands, while his iPad stands on a call on a nearby stand.

"I think if we eliminate these chords here and trim two lines of the verse, it may work," she says, methodically playing the same keys on the piano and humming more than singing.

She looks especially beautiful today, her hair flowing freely as sunlight streams through her apartment window, casting a golden glow over her face and bare arms. Harry can't help but admire her, thinking to himself, "Still Golden".

They've been talking daily for the past week, their conversations revolving around music but occasionally exploring personal stories and memories. It was during one of these exchanges that Harry learned about her last boyfriend of six years.

"Couldn't handle the pressure," she had confided. "No matter how hard I tried to balance things in private while being a public figure, it ended up feeling unnatural."

"I'm sorry," he says, genuinely moved by her openness. He pauses, trying to find the right words. "It's tough to find that balance in our lives."

"What about you?" she asks, a curious glint in her eye. "I heard about a French model and an American actress?" She smirks playfully, and he smiles timidly, appreciating her attempt to lighten the mood.

Harry chuckles softly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Said like that, it does sound like the plot of a very bad movie," he admits, his voice tinged with self-deprecating humour.

"No, really, tell me," she urges gently, genuinely interested. Her attention on him.

"Well," he chuckles, not accustomed to share this part of his life with anyone. 

"Her name was Camille," he begins, speaking more freely now, feeling surprisingly comfortable to open up to her. "It was during my debut album. I used to drink and get high a lot back then, trying to get into that creative zone," he admits, feeling a bit exposed. "So I guess it's partly my fault she left with someone else."

Harry pinches his nose and rubs his eyes tiredly, a hint of regret in his voice. 

"Then there was Olivia," he continues, his tone becoming more sombre. "I was so infatuated with her," he confesses, shaking his head. "But it got really complicated and toxic. Towards the end, I felt like she was just playing games with me," he says with a bittersweet smile. And she nods, understanding.

"Well, can't blame her, you are quite tempting, Styles," she teases, a genuine smile softening her features.

 "Yeah, I guess that's my cross to bear," he responds, a bashful half-grin on his face. She smiles widely at him then, her eyes sparkling with warmth.

"You've always been rather charming". She adds, her tone appreciative.

"You're not bad yourself, love," he blurts out, surprising both of them with the affectionate term as they lock eyes. 

Taylor clears her throat softly, staring at the keyboard, breaking the intense moment. 

"Do you think you can work on that bridge?" she asks, her voice gentle and encouraging, avoiding his eyes for a moment.

Harry nods, refocusing on their music.  "I will," he says, determined. She nods and faces him again then.

"Thank you, Harry," she says sincerely.

"Thank you, Taylor," Harry replies softly.

With a nod, Taylor glances nervously around her room. "I'll catch up with you tomorrow," she says, preparing to end the call.

"Yeah, tomorrow," Harry echoes, thoughtful, as the call ends.

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