chapter fifty-three

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This chapter contains sexual scenes of people over the age of  18.
Wattpad, don't delete my shit.

Chapter 53

Mina Bennett ran a finger through her slightly tangled hair. Her designated wash day was two days ago, but with Abigal's sudden appearance, she didn't have the three hours it would take to wash, dry, and style her hair. She flipped through multiple books and she chugged her fourth Red Bull of the morning. The faster she found out how to get the Bennett Coven up and running, she faster Abigal could leave.

It was painfully obvious that she was throwing off Bonnie's balance. Only coming to Mina's room for snacks, the younger Bennett had opted to stay in her room with Alixandra. That wouldn't have been so bad if three days hadn't passed.

Signing, she turned over, switching positions as she ran her fingers over the page.

"Mina?" she heard a raspy voice call out. A smirk rising to her lips, she turned around, locking eyes with her lover.

"Come in, 'Lijah," Mina beckoned. Since his return to life, they had started sharing Eliah's bedroom. However, the last few days had complicated matters. She needed to be in a room by herself if she was going to force herself to study this material. And more importantly, find the quickest way to kick Abby to the curb.

"You did not come to bed," The original stated. He looked down at his watch, the time flashing up at him. "It is well past midnight."

"I know," Mina nodded. "I just... I want to... I need to fix this."

"Fix what?" Elijah questioned. "I do not understand what is broken."

"Bonnie," Mina said simply. "She's not her and it's Abby's fault. But we can't kick her because she's the coven's keeper. There's just one piece that I'm missing and once I figure it out, without Abigal's help, I can tell Bonnie and she'll become the Bennett Queen."

Elijah nodded. "I see," He began, leaning against the doorpost. "And all of this must be done by tonight. For there is a strict no morning work policy in magical covens."

The Bennett rolled her eyes at his sarcasm. "If one of your siblings were hurting, would you not stay up late, desperate to find a solution."

"I would," Elijah nodded. "However, you are not me. You are not a vampire which means sleep deprivation affects you. It doesn't affect myself."


"Your entire family is working nonstop with you," Elijah continued despite Mina's attempt to stop him. "All I suggest is getting some sleep. Whether it is in my bed or yours."

Mina let out a slightly irritated sigh as she stared up at the original who had, during his speech, walked closer to her. Her brain was shouting at her to be upset with his blatant disregard for what she had said moments prior. But for some reason, instead, her hands linked to the sides of her shirt, pulling it off of her.

Her eyes fixed on Elijah, she pushed herself off of the bed before tugging her jeans down.

Elijah's eyes traveled down her body. Walking forward, her pulled her closer to him, running his hands over the parts of her that he knew she was insecure about. His fingers moved over her hips as he got down on his knees. Kissing there and all around her stomach, he mumbled against her skin. "You are stunning, my flower."

The simple act made Mina melt. Between taking care of Theodore and Alixandra to Abigal's surprise return, she hadn't been touched in what felt like weeks.

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