Chapter 6

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Bristletuft let out a yawn, stretching out of her nest. Life in ThunderClan was amazing. Everything ran smoothly. She padded out of her nest and out into ThunderClan camp, the sun shining above the camp.

She looked around, the dawn patrol was just arriving back with prey. She stomach growled in hunger. She tail swayed impatiently as she waited for them to place the prey in the fresh-kill pile.

As soon as the warriors placed them in, she immediately picked up squirell and broughg it to the elders den. Elders, queens, and kits must be fed first. She knew this rule.

As she entered the den, she noticed that Longfur and Mousetail were still asleep. She gently placed the squirell in front of their noses and waited to see if they'd stir awake. Mousetail in fact wake up.

She opened her eyes and looked up at Bristletuft and mewed, "Thank you, young one. I'll make sure Longfur eats. He hasn't been eating much lately. I feel like he'll be heading to StarClan soon. He's extremely old. I hope this'll get him to eat."

Bristletuft nodded, "Of course! I hooe he eats. I'm going to go now, I have to fed Nightfur so Violetkit has milk."

Bristletuft trotted out of the elders den and went to the fresh-kill pile, picking out a plump, juicy bird for Nightfur. She picked it up in her jaws and trotted to the queens den where Nightfur was laying down with small a small Violetkit curled up under his stomach. She smiled softly at the sight and placed the bird in front of Nightfur.

Nightfur's head perked up and She sniffed the bird, plucking out the feathers. "This will make a nice addition to my nest. Thank you, Bristletuft. Maybe you can play mossball with Violetkit later. It gets lonely for her in here. It's sad their's no other kits to play with her."

Bristletuft nodded. "I'll plah with her later. I have some duties to do. Milkweed put me on hunting patrol and afternoon boarder patrol. I'm pretty busy today. I'll do my best to play with little Violetkit."

Nightfur nodded her head okay, smiling softly. "Can you please put these feathers in my nest later. It'll make my nest comfyer."

"Isn't that an apprentice duty. You can have them do it when they replace the bedding." Bristletuft mewed.

"That actually makes much more sense. I definitely don't want to waste these feathers. How about you go to Breezestar and say that I request a bedding change and have him send an apprentice over to change my nest." Nightfur mewed softly.

"Alright, I'll go see to him right now." Bristletuft turned around and left the queens den to go to the leaders den. She padded out into the sunshine of the camp. She looked around to find Breezestar and noticed him sitting on the high rock, sunbathing.

She slowly approached him and looked down at him.

"Uhh, Nightfur wants her bedding changed." Bristletuft mewed.

"Why don't you go change it? The apprentices are out training." Breezestar mewed lazily.

Bristletuft tuft grumbled. "But that's an apprentice task! I'm a warrior!" She argued back at him.

"Well, I don't care." He hissed. "You'll do as I say. I'm your leader!"

Bristletuft's tail flicked in annoyance. She hated doing apprentice duties. She grumbled, turning around and stalked off to the queens den. She looked at Nightfur and mewed, "Get up. I'm changing the bedding. Nightfur nodded, she picked up Violetkit by the scruff and placed her back down on the cold rock on the den and curled up beside her. Bristletuft grabbed the old bedding and pulled it out of the den. She grabbed some new moss and placed it down, lining it with the feathers Nightfur picked off.

Nightfur watched as Bristletuft took care of her nest. Once it was done, Nightfur picked up Violetkit and placed her down on top of thr nest and curled up beside her. "Thank you, Bristletuft. I appreciate what you did for us."

Bristletuft only responded with a grunt and left the den, heading out to the forest to hunt for a bit.

As she padded in the forest, she looked around, trying to find some prey. She sniffed around, trying to scent some prey. She caught a strong smell of a squirell.

She slowly climbed up a tree where she smelled the squirell. She slowly stalked towards it... She leaped onto it gracefully, her claws killing it immediately.

She picked up in her jaws and leaped off of the tree, heading back to camp. As she made her way back to camp, she could smell the faint scent of smoke.

She shook it off and continued heading back to camp towards the fresh-kill pile. She approached it and placed her squirell in the pile. She felt interested in where the smell of the smoke came from. She decided to go and explore it.

She padded back into the forest and headed to where she could smell it. As she padded, she noticed she was getting close to the lake. She soon exited the trees and noticed a fire! In RiverClan!

Panic set in and she ran back to camp to warn the others. RiverClan had caught fire! How!

The Starless Clans:A River of Lost Stars (Book One) Where stories live. Discover now