Chapter 7

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Bramblefur rose from his nest, his nose smelled a strange scent. He padded out of the den . He yawned and stretched as he walked towards the fresh-kill pile. Everyone else in the clan seemed to be asleep.

Bramblefur grumbled. He knew he shouldn't do this, but his stomach growled in hunger. He knew if anyone found out, he'd be stuck with apprentice duties for so long! He hated apprentice duties. They're were the worst! No one enjoyed doing apprentice duties, ever. Any cat who did was mouse brained!

Bramblefur slowly stalked towards the fresh-kill pile and searched through it secretly. He picked up a small vole in his mouth and sat down under a bramble bush. He started gnawing at the vole, ripping off the meat, swallowing it.

He immediately finished it, licking his jaw and stood up. He immediately dug a hole in the ground, pushing the mouse in the hole. He wiggled his way out of the bramble bush, shaking himself.

He sniffed the air again, the smell was still strong. It smelled like... kittypets... His fur bristled in defense. He had to get rid of then. He had to protect his home.

His tail lashed around and he padded out of camp, the smell getting stronger. Hus face scrunched up in disgust.

He continued padding closer and closer to the scent. He noticed balls of furs, playing around with bluttetflies.

He slowly snuck up behind them, his clawd unsheathed. He let out an annoyed hiss, pouncing on the black-and-white kittypet.

"What are you doing on ShadowClan territory!" Bramblefur hissed in their face, his claws digging into their pelt.

The black-and-white kittypet yowled in anger. She was beautiful, absolutely beautiful. He felt bad, and hus claws retractedand he climbed off the scared kittypet.

She was panting hravily, visibility scared. His eyes drifted over to the other kittypets, they were scared.

"Now, tell me why you're on ShadowClan territory, kittypets." He hissed.

"I-I-I... we... we were e-exploring..." The ginger one stuttered.

Bramblefur's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "I don't believe you. You kittypets seriously don't know the dangers of being in a forest. Especially with us cats who will claw you to shreads for touching our territory." He hissed.

"Hey! Leave Stem alone! It was my idea!" The pretty black-and-white kittypet snapped back, stumbling back to her paws.

Bramblefur was shocked to hear the pretty cst snap back. "Still, it's not a good idea to stroll into the forest. Their's foxes that will rip you up, also badgers. You're lucky I didn't rip you."

The pretty black-and-white she-cat giggled. "What's your name? You're funny. I'm Bessy." Bessy mewed.

"Hmm, Bramblefur." He grumbled.

"That's a weird name." Bessy mewed.

"Well, it's how us clan cats are named." Bramblefur grumbled.

"Woah! Clan life definitely is interesting! I want to join!" Stem mewed excitedly.

"Hold up! I doubt ShadowClan will let kittypets join." Bramblefur snapped.

Bessy's ears flattened and Stem's face turned fron excitement to disappointment. Bramblefur couldn't let Bessy be sad. She was beautiful. He wanted to get to know her.

"Fine... I'll ask. But Stem, how about you go ask ThunderClan. I'll escort you to the boarder." Bramblefur grumbled.

"But... What about Bessy..." Stem mewed.

"She'll be coming to ShadowClan with me." Bramblefur mewed confidently.

"But you just said ShadowClan doesn't accept kittypets." Bessy whispered in his ear.

"I know. I know. But I'll try to get you to come to ShadowClan. With me." Bramblefur had a desperate look in bis eyes.

Stem sighed. "Fine. Take me to the boarder." Bramblefur nodded and padded ahead.

Bramblefur smirked and started padding towards the ThunderClan boarder, expecting then to follow him. Stem grumbled and padded behind him, same with Bessy.

The scent of ThunderClan was stronger, they were getting closer to ThunderClan.

"Eww, what's that smell." Stem complained, his face scrunching up.

"That's ThunderClan's scent. If they accept you, you'll have to live with that. But you'll get used to it. I'm surprised you're not complaining about ShadowClan scent." Bramblefur murrowd in laughter.

Stem grumbled. "I can make my way now." Stem bounded off towards ThunderClan, leaving Bessy and Bramblefur behind.

Bramblefur sighed, turning around to look at Bessy. "Let's head back to camp. I hope Darkstar lets you into the clan."

"Me too." Bessy mewed.

Bramblefur sighed again and padded back to camp, Bessy following behind him. The sun was sitting high up in the sky. He wondered if his clan knew he was gone for so long.

He soon approached ShadowClan camp. It was bustling with his clanmates, eating prey. Darkstar was sitting on his rock, observing everyone. He felt his eyes land on him, his fur bristling.

Darkstar leaped off his rock, fur bristling in defense and unease.

"What is this kittypet doing here." Darkstar hissed.

"I want her to join that clan." Bramblefur stood confidently.

"Hmm." Darkstar muttered, circling around Bessy. "Fine, but this collar needs to come off." Darkstar extending his claw, slicing off the collar, tossing it aside.

"But, you have to be her mentor. We can't waste our good cats on kittypets." Darkstar mewed, padding away to leap back onto his rock.

"Everyone! Gather around for a Clan meeting!" Darkstar yowled.

Everyone gathered around the rock, sitting down, kits snuggling with their mother, elders exiting the den, but not too far. Bramblefur sat down next to Bessy.

"Today, Bramblefur has brought a kittypet to our clan." Murmers of disapproval ran through the clan. "And I have accepted her. Bramblefur will be her mentor. Kittypet, get up here."

Bessy's ears perked and she got back to her paws, approching the rock, she leaped up and stood next to Darkstar.

"I gather everyone here to name this kittypet as an apprentice. From this day on, you will no longer go by your new name. You will be Ravenpaw.'

Yowls of her new name spread around camp. Bramblefur looked above, smiling softly and yowling Ravenpaw's name.

"This meeting is dismissed." Darkstar leaped off the rock, heading back to his den. Everyone else also left.

Bramblefur sniffed the air smelling the air, something was off. It smelled, musky. The smell of fire...

Ravenpaw approched him, nothing he seemed uneasy. "Bramblefur, what's wrong?"

"I smell fire..." Bramblefur mewed, sniffing the air.

Ravenpaw also sniffed the air. "Me too. Lets go check it out." Ravenpaw bounded towards the smell of the fire.

Bramblefur sighed and followed behind her. They went a long way, it was towards RiverClan's boarder. RiverClan was on fire!

The Starless Clans:A River of Lost Stars (Book One) Where stories live. Discover now