The Club - Chapter 3

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---This is just for deeper insights---As soon as the train arrived in hogwarts I got a nostalgic feeling

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---This is just for deeper insights---

As soon as the train arrived in hogwarts I got a nostalgic feeling. Twelf years have passed since I last walked these grounds. I can't believe it. And Dipped. I chuckle silently, being in my thoughts, Dipped is still headmaster. He once told me if I don't focus on school more I will never be able to use my full potential. Well look who hired me.. He should actually have been replaced by Professor Dumbledor this year, but for some reason he took off, and now he is only Vice Headmaster.
I smile as I make my way towards the castle, aside from the crowds of students and other teachers.I can see some familiar faces among the teachers, but most of them are new to me. It feels strange to be back here after so long, but also comforting in a way. Hogwarts has always been my home, and it's good to be back. This time the roles are different, I wonder how I will manage the job.. I'm good in history. I have always been good. I just.. I have never thaught anyone. This will be challenging, especially amond 11-16 year old students who have everything but school on their mind. I can recall my own school time. Always tourbulent. I remember Rubeus Hagrid all too well, he let out a beast which then killed students, it was horrible.
I spent my time as a student in hogwarts without causing many stirs. I was much for myself, my father told me more than once to mind my own business and stay out of trouble. My family has always been like this, secretive and silent.

As I reach the entrance of the castle, I take a deep breath and prepare myself for the year ahead,  I need to act pofessional and like an adult. Which I am.. I just don't feel like it. Ughhhh how am I going to survive this. And there she is... the great hall, I look around fascinated as if it was my first time, watching the candles in the nightsky has always intrigued me. The students are still gathering outside, so I might have a little spare time before heading to the table. I glance towards the table of the teachers, joining Professor Slughorn.
"Good evening Profess-" I pause, I am a professor now too - what am I supposed to say? Slugy? horn- no.- just - why am I like this?! I can literally feel how my cheeks blush. "Good evening Mister Slughorn." I nod as if I fast professional and british. I'm neither. His gaze meets mine and he nods friendly, "Ahh, Miss Orlov. I am pleased to meet you again. How have you been? It is nice to see a familiar face. Altrough.. I am still disappointed." I look at him confused and he continues, "You denied to join my club. Misses Orlov no one ever did this since I teach." He eyes me like I killed a bambi.. "Mister Slughorn I bid your pardon.. My father was very eager about my grades and distractions of any kind were forbidden for me." I assure him.. well it is partly true. I never cared for weird secret societies. Slughorn tilts his head, considering if my answer was good enough of an excuse. "Well.. I assume that is a valid reason, Miss Orlov, I like your new name. It suits you even better than Tepes." Oh if only you knew.. - I force a little smile, but before I can answer I hear a familiar voice behind me.
"Good evening Horace." I slowly look on my side to see who is approaching us, I pause in my tracks. It's - "Oh.. Good evening to you too, Miss Orlov."  Dark eyes muster me, the same dark eyes from two days ago at Borgin and Burks.. What is he doing here.
I catch myself being rudely quiet and nod quickly, "Good evening Mister Riddle.."
Slughorn smiles warmly, "Oh the two of you know each other, of course! What am I thinking. You graduaded within the same year. How does it feel to be back now?"
I glance at Tom briefly and look back at Slughorn. I have never met him before ...How is that possible? "Actually I don't rec-" I get interrupted. "It is a pleasure to be back, Horace. Shall we continue our private dinner parties?" Tom said all charming, he even slightly smiled.
Hmm they seem to like each other... Slughorn nods clapping once. "Oh yes! And this time I insist for you to come to Mrs. Orlov." I pause hearing their conversation. " I - um- I- I don't know if-"
- "Ah bah! You are joining tonight. 10pm Mrs. Orlov. Do not be late." Slughorn shoots out.
I don't know what else to say so I just nod forcing a little smile.
How bad can it be? One hour, then off to bed.They will understand. I dislike social gatherings. Sensless. I much rather read a book or do some research about warious topics.
I watch Tom and Professor Slughorn exchange pleasantries, a sense of unease creeps over me. There is something about Tom's demeanor that sets me on edge, a feeling I couldn't quite place. 

As the evening approaches, I find myself torn between attending the gathering and retreating to the solace of my own thoughts. The prospect of socializing with my colleagues and students feels daunting, especially with the enigmatic presence of Tom Riddle looming in the background. The welcoming speach of Headmaster Dippet is wonderful as always. He annaunces the new teachers. Under them: Tom Riddle as the teacher of defenses against the dark arts.. Interesting.. He was just selling things by Borgin and Burks and now all of a sudden, he is my colleague.

 Nevertheless, as the clock strucks 10 pm, I find myself standing outside the door to Professor Slughorn's private quarters, hesitating before knocking

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 Nevertheless, as the clock strucks 10 pm, I find myself standing outside the door to Professor Slughorn's private quarters, hesitating before knocking. With a deep breath, I push open the door and step inside, unsure of what the night would bring.
The room is filled with the chatter of voices and the clinking of glasses, and I feel a pang of discomfort at the thought of mingling with the other guests. I scan the area for Slughorn, but instead my eyes meet those of Tom, staning in a corner, his gaze fixed on me as I entered. 
What is it with him?
As the evening progresses, I find myself drawn into conversations that I had no interest in, nodding politely as my mind wanders elsewhere. Tom Riddle's presence seemed to cast a the room, his charm fills the air and I catch myself being drawn to his speaches at times.
Despite my reservations, I find myself inexplicably entangled in conversation with Tom, his words weaving a spell that I struggle to resist.. He really is wise and has interesting knowledge in history, which is my favorite field.

I check the clock at some point and it is already shortly before midnight and I notice there are only a few people left. One hour? Well..
"Pardon me, I really need to head to bed." I gesture while lifting myself up of my chair.
I see Mister Slughorn being a little tipsy, tangled in a conversation about time traveling.
Tom Gazes up at me and lifts himself as well, "Me too. I shall be on my way. Early morning lessons tomorrow." I nod as I make my way to the door and as if it wasn't already awkward enouh... I bumb into Tom as we exited the chambers. He catches my shoulders in reflex and looks down at me. Auch.. I hiss for one second, this stung.. even though he didn't squeeze hard. He is so tall I really have to look up as I speak, "I'm sorry.. I just- wanted- my chambers are.." I point towars the direction I need to take and Tom nods. "Of course, I apologize if I scared you." Only now he let's go of my shoulders. His grip was so firm and secure I- STOP - What am I thinking ?
He is my colleague. And I am married. Still..
"Oh no no.. You didn't. I just didn't expect it. It was sudden.." I gesture to underline my point.
"Good night, Mrs. Orlov." He says low while taking one step back. "Eva.." I say and he looks at me confused, "Eva... Good Night Tom.." I nod a bit and excuse myself.
 Feeling a strange mix of relief and disquiet. The events of the evening swirl in my mind, and I can't help but wonder about the enigmatic figure who now walks the halls of Hogwarts as a teacher. I make my way back to the solitude of my chambers.
With a heavy sigh, I sink into the armchair by the window, gazing out at the moonlit grounds of Hogwarts. The night is quiet, save for the distant hoot of an owl. In the stillness, I find myself grappling with questions that have no easy answers. As the first light of dawn begins to filter through the curtains, I finally succumb to exhaustion. My thoughts drift into a restless slumber, where visions of dark corridors and whispered secrets dance before my closed eyes.
Tom's enigmatic presence lingers in the shadows of my dreams, a reminder of a night that had left an indelible impression on me.

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