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H A N E U L  P O V :

I was laying in the bed of the hospital , my mom was feeding me while she was watching tv . Back then i had a car accident and now i cant walk anymore so my mom alyways takes care of me . Im tired of her.
Then the phone suddenly started to ring as I picked up my mom left

"Hello , this is byeon from temptation group , do u know who we are ? "

" no." Haneul said

"Oh well congrats u won a prize ! Because u got called we will give u a ticket to travel"

"I dont need any ticket."

"Oh then what do u want? Maybe a bike?"

"CAN U MAKE ME WALK AGAIN?! THATS WHAT I WANT TO WALK AGAIN! HOW CAN I USE A DAMN BIKE? U all famous people can easy say this by living ur life at fullest." Haneul said

The operator from the television got a little shocked as she didnt knew what to say byeon spoke up

"Whoever u are I hope that u keep going , im so grateful that u have made it till there . I know it might be hard but i hope that things will get better , thank u for being alive."

Haneul eyes widened when she says that as the operator ends the call haneuk started to cry from the words byeon said.


Haneul pov:

Since that call I become a fan, today I could finally go to their concert i got on my wheelchair looking at the byeon posters i had all around my room as i send kisses to one of the posters it was with him. I smiled then got out as my mom slowly helps me go downstairs with the wheelchair. Then my friend helped me get in the car as she started to play "LOVE 119" By temptation as i started to sing .

- "Ur happy that ur going to see byeon, aren't you?" Chae asked

- yeah i am! Haneul replied

- im kinda hungry since first lets go eat  chae said as I nodded.

Chae got out from the car and grabbed my wheelchair as she helped me to get out , we went in the restaurant and started to eat the food after that we went to the concert as my friends let me infront of the concert line she spoke up

- have fun chae said

- thank u, i will ! I said

As she left I looked for my ticket but then i didnt find it , as i kept looking for it i remember i forgot it at the restaurant great!

- Lady could u please let me in ? I asked the lady who was the bodyguard
- im sorry but no
- Please , I forgot my ticket , I've been so excited for this . At least let me just a little in? i said then the bodyguard sighs as she let me in I thanked her , i went in and listened to byeon's majestic voice he sounded like an angel , I couldn't believe he was real.


After the concert I went home , as I was going suddenly my Wheelchair stopped.

- huh what happened! Please work come on i said

It looks like the wheel broke, as i sigh the little snowflakes were slowly falling on my nose but then a black car stopped and I opened my eyes cause the snowflakes didnt felt anymore then I saw byeon i was sobbing.

- Do u want me to help u ? Byeon asked
- N-no its okay .. I shuttered because of the coldness that was outside
- Im also a fan .. i said
- I can see that byeong chuckles and pointed at my headband it was from the concert.

After I talked with him a little more i said its okay as i went along with my wheelchair as I was almost home I looked at the tv screen from a company it was the news that Byeon commited suicide, i was surprised as tears started to fall down my cheeks i went fast with my wheelchair as i fallen into a little river i cried grabbing the clock in my hand. The clock that I had it was like byeong's clock, then the hour suddenly changes.

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