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It was a few days later until they meet again.
That day, Haneul and Inhye went to school together, as Inhye had dragged her. She remembered today was supposedly the day she met byeon for the first time.

Now, it has been a week since she got back to the past, and she's finally taking it seriously.
She recounted everything important to note throughout the hole weekend. She was stuck in her room, and even Inhyuk calling her would not make her budge.
Then she concluded, she would just live in this timeline and try her best. Back in the future, haneul really liked watching science-fiction movies. The ones that were about time travelling said that you must not mess up the timeline... Or several repercussions would happen in the future.

And it seemed like she would not go back any time soon.
So, haneul would try her best with making byeon happy and make him avoid his fate in

the future. She has a lot of time too, so maybe she can enjoy a blast to the past along the way...
Then she met him again, officially this time.

"Byeon-ya!" Inhye called out to him with a wave.

Byeon turned around to wave back to Inhye, surprised to see the purple umbrella girl from a few days ago.

Inhye walked over to him.
"I forgot to introduce you to my sister," Inhye pushed Haneul in front so Byeon and her could see each other

"Go greet him," Inhye ordered,

which Haneul replied with an annoyed pout. Just sibling things, which byeon smiled amusedly.
haneul then turned to byeon with the same smile she gave him a few days ago.

"I'm Baek Haneul," She held out her hand, "I'm this dumbass's sister."

"Augh you really--" Inhye  scolded.
Byeon chuckled and shook her hand

"I'm Ryu Byeon," He introduced himself.
"Nice to meet you, Byeon-oppa!" haneul smiled.

"She's younger than us by a year."   Inhye explained.
"Ah... I see..."

He was confused a little bit. She acts indifferent... Did she not remember that she gave him the umbrella a few days ago?

"Oh, I got to go to class. I need to borrow some notes..." Haneul  suddenly reminded.
"Okay, just go--"

"Bye, dumbass!" haneul waved playfully to, Inhye making him scowl, then turned to,byeon

"I hope that I can see you next time, Byeon-oppa! It was nice meeting you!" She waved to Byeon with a smile.
He felt his heart skip a beat.

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