CH.1 - new classes

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Jake's pov:

It's the first day back at college and I felt like classes took forever to end. I love my classes, don't get me wrong it's just that I hate waking up so early. I really should have listened to Johnnie about taking later classes but it's too late now.

I open the front door to the dorm I share with Johnnie, Sam and Colby. The whole place is dark and it's quiet. I guess no one is home. I put my bag on the floor next to the front door and toss myself onto the couch. I then find the remote and put on some random show. After a few hours have gone by the door opens and I watched as Sam and Colby walk in.

"Hey guys." I say as they come to sit next to me on the couch
"How was class?"

"Boring. I don't recognize anyone and there all so far apart. I feel like I have to run to each class." Colby sighs

"I like my class even though one of my teachers already gave us work." Sam smiles

"You already have homework?"

"Yeah, it's not much though. It's more like an self interaction thing." Sam says as he gets up from the couch

"Dude, please don't tell me your going to do your work. We just got home." Colby groans as Sam takes his bag to his room

"I'll be done soon!" Sam shouts from the hallway

"Ugh, why does he always have to do his work?" Colby pouts

"He's always been like this, why are you surprised?" I laugh

"I don't know. Anyways, enough about me. Have you seen Johnnie at all?" He turns to look at me

"No, I thought that he would come home with you guys." I sigh

"Weird, I saw him after my last class. He should be here soon." Colby reassures me

"Hopefully." I sigh

Another hour passes and I'm now sitting in my room with no sign of johnnie. I can't help but worry where he could be. I mean I know that he's his own person but fuck, I miss him. I tighten my fists as I think about him hanging out with other people. I know some of his old friends go to this college so he's probably hanging out with them. I start to get mad thinking about him with other people. I know that I can't control what he does or who he hangs out with but fuck, I just want him to be with me and me only. Just then I get kicked out of my train of thought by the front door slamming shut. I get out of bed and walk down the hallway. By the time I get to the front door I'm met with Johnnie holding onto the kitchen counter, barely able to stand up straight.

"Are you drunk?" I ask as he almost falls over

"N-no." He hiccups

" let me help you." I smile as I take his hand and help him get to his room
"Do you need anything?" I ask as I make him sit on his bed

He looks at me with a drunken smile, barely able to keep his eyes open. He then grabs both of my hands and pulls me onto his lap.

"W-what are you doing?" I blush as he goes from holding my hands to now holding onto my head so that I don't fall backwards
"Johnnie.. you're drunk." I sigh

"And you're hot~" he slurs his words


He pulls me into a deep kiss. His tongue explorers my mouth causing me to moan. He lets go of the kiss and we both catch our breath. He moves his hands under my shirt, moving them up and down my torso. A shiver goes down my spine as he starts tugging at my shirt, trying to take it off. I help him out and take my shirt off myself. he looks at my torso with a big smile and starts biting at my neck. He Lays his back on the bed, pulling me down with him as he keeps giving me hickeys. I roll us over so that he's now on top. He kisses down my body, starting at my neck going all the way down to the lining of my boxers. I covered my mouth trying to hide my moans. What has gotten into him? I mean, I know he's drunk but why is he all over me like this? He's never THIS touchy when drunk. I'm not complaining though, I love it when all of his attention is on me. I get myself out of my train of thought when I noticed Johnnie biting on my arm.

"F-fuck will be able to see the hickeys on my a-arm." I say in-between moans

"Good~" he coos
"Now people can know that you're mine~" he then gets back to leaving more hickeys

As johnnie trays to unbuckle my belt I gently push him off me, not wanting him to do something he might regret in the morning.

"Awwww~" he hiccups

"Sorry babe, you're just really drunk and I don't feel comfortable doing anything more." I give him a gentle smile as I sit up
"I'll be right back, I'm got to get you some water and maybe some food." I then get up and walk out of his room

Once I reach the kitchen I grab a cup and start to fill it with water. I then open the fridge hoping to find something that Johnnie can eat.

"Holy shit, what happened to you?" Sam asks

"Oh uh-" I blush as I close the fridge
Johnnie.." I rub the back of my neck

"I don't think I should ask what you guys were doing." Sam laughs as he grabs a glass from the cupboard

"We didn't fuck if that's what you're thinking." I roll my eyes
"He got really drunk and he just started giving me hickeys."

"He got drunk after the first day of school? He must really hate his classes." He giggles

"I guess."

"Do you know who he was with?" Sam asks as he fills his own cup with water

"No, I mean I don't mind. I can't control who he hangs out with."

"It doesn't bother you? I just assumed it would." Sam shrugs

"I does but I don't want him to think that I'm controlling. It's his life, I'm just his boyfriend." I say as I turn around
"Anyways I gotta go give this to Johnnie." I then make my way down the hallway

Once I reach his room I see that he has changed into A new shirt and red pajama bottoms. He gives me a cute smile as I hand him the cup of water.

"Thanks." He smiles before taking a sip and placing the cup on his bedside table

"No problem, now get some rest." I smile as I start to shut the door

"Wait-" I open the door back up
"Um...can you sleep in here tonight?" He asks

"Sure thing." I smile

Johnnie moves over, making room for me. I get in bed with him and wait for him to lay down. I soon wrap my arms around his body and slowly drift off the sleep.

Erm I hope u guys like it :3 new story but same mf characters!!!

Idk how long this story will b but yeah I fuckers better like it :))

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