CH.11 - things are different

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Johnnie pov:

It's been a few days since Jake got that call from his mom and dad and I still don't know what happened. Actually, I think I'm the only one that doesn't know what happened. Jake, Sam and Colby almost had this dark cloud over their head. It's was strange. There were tons of end of the year party's happening but they didn't even seem interested in going. They just stayed in their own rooms. Jake didn't even sleep in the Sam bed as me anymore, whenever he got tired he would walk back to his room  and lock his door. I couldn't help but worry about what was going on, but I also didn't want to bring up what was happening. I didn't want to accidentally hurt them more.

I'm sitting in my room doing my last assignment of the year. It's getting really stressful handling assignments and studying for exams but I have to push myself to work hard, just enough to graduate. I get kicked out of my work by a knock on my door.

"Come in." I say, turning around in my chair

I watch as Jake's walks in and takes a seat on my bed. He's playing with the strings of on of my hoodies that he's wearing.

"Um...I have something important to tell you." His voice cracks

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Um...I have to go back to Kansas for the summer, maybe longer."

"Oh, Jake. Thats..that's fine, I know some family stuff is going on. I expected you to go back." I walk to the bed and take a seat next to him

"Yeah...I'm sorry I've been so distant. It's just a lot is going on right now and-" I cut him off

"Babe, it's okay. I promise, I know how important your family is to you. You do whatever you think is right, okay?"

"Mhm." Tears start to fall out of his eyes

I pull him into a hug. The hug was long and sweet. It lasted until he let go, I guess he really needs one. Once he pulled back he gave me a weak smile. I know that there's more going on than what he's telling me but I don't want to push it.

It's now the last week of school. No one hasn't left their rooms than to get food or go to class. No one would talk to each other, it was weird. I would try to talk to them but nothing, no hello, no warning when leaving the house, no nothing. I hated it. I couldn't help but stay up at night thinking about whatever is happening with everyone. I know that Jake, Sam and Colby were childhood friends and that their families were all really close but I couldn't think of anything that would get this kind of reaction. I couldn't help but feel back for Jake, it seemed like he was hurting the most.

It's Thursday, finals are all done and we get to finally graduate tomorrow. Things in the dorm have been a little better today, at least Sam and Colby seem a little happier.

I walk back into the House, Jake was sat in the living for the first time in 2 weeks. I smile as he seems to be in a better mood.

"Johnnie?" He stands up from the couch and walks over to me


"Um..after we finish our last class..I want to take you somewhere."

"Yeah, okay. " I smile

He gives me a weak smile back. We both walk to the couch and put a movie on the TV. I lay down in his lap as he plays with my hair.

"Are you ready to finish are 2nd year if college?" I ask
"I mean we just have one more year to go then we'll be done."

"Yeah..I'm ready to be done."

"And we'll finish together." I smile

"..mhm- together."

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