CH.2 - party

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Johnnie pov:

I wake up with my vision blurred and my head pounding. I took over and see Jake watching videos on his phone. Before I fully get up I look his body up and down, I blush as I see how many hickeys he has all over his body. I can feel myself freeze, I don't remember giving him any of these.

"Finally up?" Jake smiles as he looks me in the eyes

"Y-yeah.." I stutter
"My head hurts." I frown

"I bet, you cam home really drunk." He giggles

That explains the hickeys..I start to sit up and stretch my arms up before I finally drag myself out of bed. I leave my room and Jake follow with me. I take a seat at the table as Jake looks through the cupboards. He hands me a small white pill and a glass of water. I take the pill then down some of the water.

"Did you want breakfast?" He smiles


After he makes breakfast he puts poth of our plates in the table

"So...who did you go out with?" He asks me as he takes a bite of his bacon

"Just Alex." I smile

"You came home really drunk and I didn't know where you were." A blush forms on his face
"You made me really worried."

"I'm sorry, I didn't plan on drinking." I say truthfully
"I wanted to leave sooner but we ended up at a bar and time just flew by." I look down at my plate of food

"It's okay, just...I'd like to know next time. You don't have to tell me what your doing just give me a warning that you might be home late." He sighs

"I will, I promise."

Once we're done eating I take take our dirty plates to the sink to clean them before putting in the dishwasher. I take a set back at the table and we just talked about our classes. It was weird, I never thought that I would even graduate highschool but here I am talking to the boyfriend of my dreams about my classes in my 2nd semester of college. It's a nice life that I made for myself. Without Jake I would probably be dead by now, honestly. He helped me through my depression and anxiety, sure I still have my hard days but he's always there the help calm me down and make me better. He also helped me through my eating disorder and through the bullshit that Bryan put me through. I don't know what I did to deserve to have him in my life but I'm so happy that he's here with me.

"So do you want to go?" I hear Colby ask

"Sorry, I wasn't listening." I blush out of embarrassment

"Theres a party tonight, did you want to go? A lot of people in our grade will be there."

"Oh, sure." I smile

Colby just smiles as he walks out of the kitchen and into the hallway, probably to go to Sam's room. I turn my attention back to Jake and see him looking at me with a smile.

"What were you thinking about." He asks

"Nothing." I blush even more

"C'mon, tell me!" He says hit big puppy eyes

"Stop looking at me like that. You know how cute you look." I laugh

"Is it making you want to tell me what you were thinking about?" He asks as he moves his chair closer to me

"I was just thinking about you." I smile

"Awww, really?" He says with a slight blush

"Yeah, just really thankful for all that you've done for me." I admit

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