Chapter Fourteen

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Tahlia stopped walking and turned around, a warm smile appearing on her face when she saw Obi-Wan was jogging towards her.

She turned and started walking again with him beside her. "Can I help you with something?"

"Actually, there is." He replied. "So you know I'm leaving to go capture Grievous, right?"

She nodded. "I was there at the meeting, Obi."

"Right. Anyway, I can't leave without asking you something." He paused. "Do you know what's been going on with Anakin lately? He's been acting off. I'm worried about him."

Tahlia stopped walking, which made Obi-Wan stop walking as well. She turned towards him, a frown growing on her face.

"Why would I know?" She asked.

"You two have gotten close. I've seen that. He didn't say anything to you?" He asked her, desperation swimming in his eyes.

All Tahlia did was shake her head.

Obi-Wan sighed, looking around before grabbing her arm and dragging her inside a random room to speak with her privately.

After shutting the door, Obi-Wan faced her. "Anakin has been moody and stressed lately. You've seen it. I was hoping he would have talked to you."

Tahlia released a sigh. "I'm sorry, Obi, but he didn't say anything to me."

"I know what's going on between you two."

In that moment, Tahlia felt her heart drop and she started to feel nauseous. Her palms started to get sweaty. She wanted to leave the room, but Obi-Wan was blocking the door to keep her from leaving.

"I'm not blind. I know you two are in love." Obi-Wan continued. "I know he has loved you since he first saw you all those years ago. He's never tried to hide it. He was always so obvious about it."

Tahlia looked down to avoid eye contact with Obi-Wan.

"And you're in love with him as well. I can see it when you look at him. I'm not going to say anything to the council because you two are happy. You make Anakin happy. You're the only one who makes him truly happy. So please, if you know what's bothering him, tell me. Because I'm deeply worried about him." He begged her.

Tahlia looked up and met his desperate gaze.

"I know he's not happy about spying on the Chancellor." She told him.

"He told you about that?" Obi-Wan asked, and she nodded. He sighed. "Something is telling me it's not that. There must be something else that's bothering him."

Tahlia didn't say anything as she watched Obi-Wan run a hand over his beard. He looked at her and didn't fail to notice the worry swimming in her eyes.

He placed a hand on her shoulder. "I promise you I'm not going to tell the council about you and Anakin. You both are very important people to me."

Tahlia gave him a thankful smile. "Thank you, Obi-Wan."

He returned the smile and softly squeezed her shoulder before turning around, opening the door and stepping out of the room. As soon Tahlia was alone, she let out a long sigh and both her hands flew to her stomach.

She found herself wondering if anyone else knew about her and Anakin. If Master Windu knew about them.

No. If he knew about their marriage, he would have comforted her about it.

Letting out another sigh, Tahlia exited the room, many thoughts roaming around in her head.


"Save your energy."

"I can't."

"Don't give up, Tahlia."

Anakin sat on the sofa, the image of his wife, Padmé and Obi-Wan replaying in his head. Sensing a familiar presence, he looked up and saw his wife walk in with Padmé by her side, both females laughing about something Padmé had said.

Tahlia smiled when she saw her husband sitting on the sofa. "Hi, love."

Anakin didn't say anything as he watched her and Padmé walk in the bedroom.

"What happened to you after the meeting?" He asked his wife, standing up and walking in the bedroom.

"Obi-Wan and I had a little chat before he left." Tahlia replied.

"About what?"

"You. He's worried about you. Honestly, so am I."

"I feel lost." Anakin said after a moment.

Frowning, Tahlia exchanged a look with Padmé before facing her husband. "Lost? What do you mean?"

"Obi-Wan and the council don't trust me." He told her, his gaze dropping to the blue carpeted floor.

Tahlia instantly shook her head. "That's not true. Obi-Wan trusts you. You guys are brothers."

Anakin looked up, his gaze meeting hers. "Something's happening. I'm not the Jedi I should be. I want more. And I know I shouldn't."

Tahlia was silent, unsure how to respond. She glanced over at Padmé, giving her a look and Padmé got the hint. She nodded and walked out of the bedroom to give the married couple some privacy.

"You expect too much of yourself." Tahlia said, placing a comforting hand on his arm.

Anakin wrapped both his arms around her, tugging her closer to him. "I found a way to save you."

"Save me? From what?"

"From my nightmares."

Tahlia frowned. "Is that what's bothering you?"

Anakin shook his head. "I won't lose you, Tahlia."

"I'm not going to die in childbirth." She assured him. "I promise you."

"No! I promise you." He said, grabbing her hand with both his hands and forcing her to meet his gaze to show how serious he was. "I'll do whatever it takes to save you. I don't care if I have to do something bad to save you. I'll do it, just for you."

Tahlia didn't have time to respond because he placed his lips onto hers, and she instantly melted into him. What he said worried her, but she pushed her worry to the side.

Anakin pulled away from the kiss and wrapped both arms around his wife, holding her protectively. Tahlia sighed in relaxation as her head laid on him. As he held her, Anakin wanted to protect her from danger. He's always wanted to protect her from danger, but he's more determined to since he started having nightmares about her dying.

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