Akashi x Reader

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My goodness I love Akashi soooooo much, he's just like wow and his backstory is just so saaaaaaaad it hurts my heart, OKAY OKAY I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS ONE! THIS TAKES PLACE LITERALLY THE DAY AFTER THE WINTER CUP SO AKASHI IS ALREADY BACK TO THE WAY HE WAS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL OKAY? OKAY!



'Oh no I got lost on my first day of school!' You thought, running down the hall. You weren't really the talkative type and you didn't really like being close to people as well. That was just you, so every time someone would talk to you, it will cause you to become embarrassed. Finally making it to the classroom door, you took a deep breath and held your hands tightly, resulting in a little bit of sweat from your nervousness.

You inhaled and exhaled, about to open the door, until someone from inside the classroom opened it up first. You flinched at the sudden opening of the door, and looked up to see a red haired student.

"Excuse me." He said politely, looking into your eyes.

"U-um s-s-sorry!" You apologized, stepping to the side so he could walk through. You noticed something within his eyes that made you a bit intimidated of him. Sensing a little bit of coldness in his eyes, you automatically shivered and walked into the classroom.

"Oh! You must be ___-san. Class, this is our new student, please sit next to the empty seat please." Your teacher stated, trying to make you feel as comfortable as possible in her class. You felt a blush appear on your cheeks since everyone is class was staring at you, so you made your way to your desk, setting your bag down. As you were about to sit down, the boy that you saw at the door came in the classroom with a stack of papers.

"Ah, thank you Akashi-san, please take your seat." Your teacher thanked. Akashi walked to his desk, which was the empty seat that was next to you. He gave you a soft smile, taking out his hand.

"Hello, I'm Akashi Seijūrō. It's a pleasure to meet you." He greeted. You widened your eyes, still frightened by him.

"I-It's n-nice to meet y-you! I'm ____." You stuttered, reluctantly shaking his hand. You were the one to let go first, slightly blushing. You looked down at your desk, trying to avoid him.

That was the day where your relationship with him began.

--Present day--

You met Mayuzumi on the rooftop during lunch the first day of school. You two were immediately friends since you bonded over light novels. But since it's almost graduation for him, you were beginning to get a little bit sad, because he was one of the only people who you considered a close friend. And during those days up on the roof with him, you realized that Akashi was someone special to you. He was there whenever you needed him, he was always there.

You ate your lunch next to Mayuzumi, happily opening up your juice box, taking a sip from it.

"You like Akashi do you ___?"

You instantly spit out your juice, creating a small puddle on the floor. "W-what?!" You screamed out, wiping your mouth with your sleeve.

Mayuzumi turned his novel page and chuckled. "It's obvious that you do, you even have a tint of pink on your cheeks." He said, pointing to your face.

You widened your eyes and covered your face. "You know if you say that, it actually gets worse right?" You blurted out, trying to calm yourself down.

He sighed and closed his book. "You can't fool me ___. I know your feelings towards him." Mayuzumi explained more clearly.

"How did you know?" You exhaled in defeat.

"I had a feeling that you did. And also," He stood up on his feet, "He's right here."

You immediately looked up to where the door was, seeing Akashi standing there. Looking down, Akashi began speaking.

"Can you give us a moment Mayuzumi-san." He asked of him. Mayuzumi sighed once more and looked at him.

"I told you to stop with the honorifics." He said, walking away. He left the rooftop, leaving only you and Akashi alone.

"Was what he said true, ___-san?" He asked, walking towards you. You began blushing hardcore, and nodded your head, admitting that you did have feelings for him. Akashi smiled and sat down next to you.

"This is great." He exclaimed, looking up at the sky.

"Huh?" You asked in confusion, calming down a bit.

A small smile appeared on his face as he was covering his eyes, either from embarrassment or from the sun.

"Because I have those same feelings towards you." Akashi confessed, putting his hand down to look at you.

You looked at him in surprise. You didn't think that he would feel the same way, so you were happy. How did this happen?

"You're wondering how this happened are you?" He asked, chuckling quietly. You froze because he literally just read your mind.

He sighed in relief, "I knew you were interesting from the day we met. And from that day on, as we began closer as friends, I knew from that moment that I never experienced this type of feeling to anyone before." He elaborated, making your heart beat faster and faster.

"This feeling is love, I know it is." Akashi continued, resting his hand on top of yours. "I'm glad that this is requited love." He ended with a light blush becoming visible on his cheeks.

You smiled and a tear came down your face.

"Me too."



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