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- Smashing things
- Change

Be a bit better.
Be a bit calmer.
Be a bit stronger.

Virgil POV:

I never thought I'd be in the position I'm in right now.

In an attempt to be more secure, we all started living together in the mind palace. Before it was just me, Patton, Logan, and Roman. But now...

They joined.

The people I never wanted to see again.

Logan says "I agree with Thomas, if we all were to be closer, it'd make him more of a stable human being and it'd make us communicate better. It's not the healthiest thing for your sides to be conflicting all the time."

I thought Patton would support me. "It'll be fun to get to be closer with them!! I sure want to get to know them."

Then I turned to Roman. Our eyes had locked, but he looked away. I knew he didn't like the idea. I knew damn well.

But know I'm locked up in my room. Not even able to cry about it.

I usually cry about everything that pisses me off, but now I've completely drained my body of all the tears it has left. So I just sat in my bed curled up tighter than one of those rubber hair bands when you tie them in a knot.

I had to except the fact that I'd be seeing them everyday. I just had to except it.

And I did NOT like that.

I knew that one person would understand the shit my mind was going through right now. The one person who I could go to. And as much as I hated it, it was my only escape from my current turmoil.

So, I took a deep breath and did one of the bravest things ever. I got up.

Every fiber of my being wanted to just go back and lay on my bed and forget about it. But, my feet kept carrying me to the door. The sound of my feet softly hitting the floor below me filled me with dread, but I knew what I needed to do.

Every breath was anxious, and that anxiety grew when my hand finally twisted the doorknob after much hesitation.

And before I knew it, I was outside his door.

So, I knocked.

"Who is it??" His voice rang from inside the room, in a sing-song-y tone.


I heard his feet pitter-pattering to the door, and I also heard when he tripped and muttered a quick "shit— fuck—" before opening the door.

And there he stood. His fluffy brown hair, his dark amber eyes. The signature red sash draped over his chest.

Roman. The only person I could go to was fucking Roman.

"Heyyyy Fergiieeee—"

"Can I come in?" I asked, my voice low and quiet— more nervous sounding than I intended.

"Uh, why?" Of course, he needed an explanation.

"I just need... I need some comfort... and you're the only person I thought would understand what I'm... I'm going through..." it felt like shit to admit it. But, I looked up from the floor and saw a twinge of empathy before his face went back to it's smug, cocky look.

"Well, I was just fucking around in the imagination, you can join me if you want? We could... talk about it?" The smugness grew into a balanced mix of his bitch ass personality and sympathy. I could almost see it in his eyes. Almost.

His rich brown and golden eyes...

Uhhmmmmm, who was that?!?! I totally didn't think that just now.

But, I nodded and walked in, he shut the door behind me. I muttered a quick "thank you," hoping he didn't hear me.

Like he said, he had been fucking around in the imagination. His room was just whatever he thought it to be, his imagination. And right now it was one blank slate, a white void. It hurt my eyes.

"Ow— who speed up the white??"

"Me, who else?"

"Oh, shut up."

He laughed a little. It was kind cute.

Oh my fucking god, shut the fuck up, brain.

He made it into a more grey color so it didn't hurt my eyes as bad.

"So, what's up?" Holy shit he actually wanted to hear what was wrong with me!!

"You know how Remus and Janus are moving in, right?"


"I have a problem with it. I don't want to have to see them again... I don't want to have to live with them.. and I hate how this problem is completely out of my damn control!!" I ranted on, and while I was caught up in my anger, he made a plate and handed it to me. "The fuck do I do with this?!"

"Smash it."

I lifted it above my head and through it to the floor with all the strength I could muster in my body. It smashed into 10 different pieces, with a sharp clang it hit the ground at full force.

God it felt good. So good. Like I was releasing every emotion in my body without having to spill an ocean of tears.

"Holy shit.." I muttered. "Hand me another."

So he handed me another.
I smashed it.
Smashed into pieces.

Soon, all my anger was gone.

"Feel better?"

"Fuck yeah."

Words:: 885

Thank you for reading! I hope to get out another chapter tomorrow, but I'm sorry if I can't :(

Have a good day!!

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