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The change is scary
The change is upsetting
The change is life

Janus POV:

Here we were. Living in the same fucking mind palace.

It's not a surprise Virgil didn't want us here, but he could've been more nice with how he expressed it.



His words just rang in my head over and over again, like an alarm that you keep snoozing.

But I tried to ignore it. I'm too hot to worry about dumb shit like Virgil.


But at the same time... it hurt. It hurt a lot.

And here I was, powerless to as what he thought. Sitting in my room, on my bed.

I always hated admitting it, but... I genuinely missed Virgil. And knowing he hates me makes me slightly sick to my stomach. I progress through the feeling either way.

I was just... there. A slimy evil snake boy stuck in his head. Until Remus busted in.


"... What the fuck do you want?" I managed to lift my head to look at him.

"I forgot what I was gonna say... Oh— Oh yeah!! Payton told me to get you for dinner."

A groan grumbled in my throat, coming out as a tired cry. I peeled myself from my bed and grabbed my hat before walking out with him. I was dressed down for sure, but I'll never show my face without my gloves and hat. I liked being hidden, and I also liked being warm.

My socked feet softly hit the wooden floor below me as I walked slowly closer to him, eventually finding myself right next to the rat man, walking with him.

I played with the edges of my gloves as I walked, the layers of them rubbing up against my fingers, leaving a strange sensation.

The sleeves of my sweater rubbed softly against the scales on my arms, reminding me of the fact they were there. There was a part of me that thought they were cool, and there was also a part of me that thought they were disgusting.

And that part was louder than the other.

Millions of visual reminders of who I was. An outsider. A weirdo. Someone they didn't want there. Someone— sorry, something they'd never understand.

And the thought of how much of a fucking mistake I was made me want to run back to my room, lock myself in it, and start crying uncontrollably.

But here I was. Somehow I found myself at the light sides' table. Somehow I was here. In this position.

It was so weird how I had got here, simply forming into existence one day... dreadful existence.

And then I realized who I'm next to. The twins.


This will be fucking amazing.

I look over to the others, a slice of pizza on their plates. Oh great, pizza night. Was it Friday already?

"You gonna take any, kiddo?" Patton's soft voice rang in my ears, sticking out from the small chatter going on at the table. I looked up to see who he was talking to, only for his eyes to be pointing at me.

"Oh, no. I'm not hungry." My voice remained in its usual tone— well, more considerate and gentle sounding than usual. But I was in fact pretty hungry. Well, really hungry.

But I couldn't find the appetite to eat.

Word count: 591

Hi! Sorry for the wait on this chapter, I was really carried away with school, and then I got sick for a week :(

I promise more consistent updates from here on out— not daily though, I'm too lazy for that.

Expect a new chapter in the next day or two.

Thank you for reading!! Enjoy the rest of the story!!!

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