How did you meet

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Firstly, I'm sorry for any mistakes, English is not my native language :/

Now, let's go!

Andrea Sanchs:

- You meet at a coffee shop

- You were sitting alone, so she decided to join you

- You talk to get to know each other, and you soon realize that you no longer feel shy when talking to her

- "Oh, my boss is calling me..." - She says, taking the phone out of her bag and rolling her eyes, while smiling at you. She told you how difficult and complicated her boss can be...

- After hanging up the phone, she sighs and gets up. "I need to go... It was nice meeting you Y/N" - For some reason, it seemed like she didn't want leave you...

- "Here, I'll give you my number. Call me or text me!" -She takes a pen out of her bag and writes down her number on a napkin. She hands you over and says goodbye, smiling and saying that he expects a call or message from you soon. She leaves the cafe, leaving you with a silly smile on your face...

Miranda Priestley:

- You went for an interview to be the new assistant

- Early on, she was impressed by your fashion sense, but obviously she don't praised you for it

- She hired you on the spot, still looking you up and down

- "You are very beautiful... You will be an great addition to my team" - She smiles slightly -

- "Very well, that's all" - She immediately turns her back on you when she realizes what she said

- She may or may not have smiled more when you left her room

Emily Charlton:

- You was on your first day as a junior assistant, and she no longer liked you

- She is responsible for training you, and she does it without the slightest desire

- She begins to explain your work. She gets too close, and smells your perfume... This makes her stop talking for a moment

- "Emily?" - You call her -

- "Oh... Y-yes? Where was I...? Oh, yes... As I was telling you, never leave that table, under any circumstances..." - She says, trying to keep her voice firm and stern -

- You noticed her cheeks turning red, but you didn't comment on it...


- You walked quickly through the corridors of Runway, late to deliver a coffee to Miranda

- You bump into someone, and ends up spilling all the coffee on the person

- "Oh! Look what you did! That coat was really expensive!" -The tall blonde looked at you angrily, but suddenly her expression softened

- "Oh God! I'm sorry, I... - You start to say -

- "You are very beautiful..."

- "What?" - You were surprised -

- "You are stylish... I like your outfit" - She smiles at you -

- You may or may not have blushed - "T-thank you..." 

- "You're welcome... But I still need a new coat!" - She says, laughing -

- "And I need a new coffee for Miranda..." - You laugh too. You've never been so enchanted and fucked at the same time...

Was it a good start? I think so... Well, please comment what you think!

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