When they become your girlfriend

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Andrea Sanchs:

- After she confessed over the phone, she asked you out on a date at one of the fanciest restaurants in New York

- You talked, had a good dinner, drank good wine and at the end, Andrea took a deep breath and finally said the following words:

- "So, Y/N... Do you accept... Being my girlfriend?" - She asks with an awkward smile, her cheeks red

- "Oh Andy... Of course I accept!" - You say happily, making her smile even bigger

- "Perfect! Here's to our happiness!" - She holds out the wine glass. You do the same, laughing, shielding your glass with hers

Miranda Priestly:

- After the confession in the office, Miranda did not make a request per se. She started treating you as if you were already hers, gifting you with expensive pieces of clothing, practically every day

- "Y/N, darling, can you come here?" - You heard her call you. Her voice was a little softer than usual

- You go to her office, feeling the usual butterflies in your stomach

- "Yes, Miranda?"

- She smiles at you and approaches you, with a scarf in the hands

- "It's for you" - She says, putting it around your neck. You couldn't help but blush

- "T-thank you... But you don't need to-"

- "Don't say anything, Y/N. You're mine now... Get used to it" - She says, running the back of her hand across your face, making you blush even more

- "Y-yes, Miranda..."

Emily Charlton:

- Emilly wanted to start things calmly with you. So she invited you for a night walk in Central Park after work

- "I know it's not exactly a place... Well, suitable for a first date, but I wanted to start with something simple" - She says, slowly

- "Don't worry, Emilly. I really love this place! And it's even better with you..." - You say, laughing

- Emilly's cheeks blush slightly - "Ah, Y/N..." - She laughs

- You continue walking, just enjoying the gentle breeze and each other's presence. Until suddenly, Emily holds your hand. You are a little surprised, feeling her warm hand against yours

- "Y/N..." - She starts

- "Y-yes?"

- "Do you... Agree to be mine?" - She smiles again, her cheeks even redder.

- You smile back, intertwining your fingers with hers

- "Yes Emily, I will be yours..."


- It was right after her "indirect confession"

- You went to dinner together at the restaurant. She spent the entire time praising her appearance and style, which made you blush immensely

- Until during dessert, she holds both of your hands

- "I think you already understand, Y/N... I've been madly in love with you since the day you spilled that coffee on my new coat..."

- You laugh, a little embarrassed - "Oh my God... I really need to buy you a new coat..."

- She smiles - "You don't have to worry about that anymore, Y/N... You're my girl now"

- You blush - "I-I am?"

- "Yes... That is, if you accept" - Serena's cheeks turn red

- "Of course I accept!" - You say happily

- "Perfect!" -Serena smiles, satisfied, as she kisses your hand

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