When they confess

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Andrea Sanchs:

- She spent days preparing, she was never so nervous

- She was sure she loved you...

- "Hey Y/N! Can I... Tell you something?" - She told you just phone. Yes, she didn't have the courage to tell you in person

- "Oh, yes. What is it?" - You ask

- "I-I... Well..." - She says hesitantly

- "You what...? Come on Andy, say it!"

- You hear her sigh - "I like you! Like more than a friend! I-I... I love you..." - She says at once

- You are surprised. You definitely didn't expect this...

- "Oh Andy..."

- "Y-you don't feel the same...? Okay, I understand..." - She says nervously

- "Of course I feel the same! I think you're amazing and beautiful since I met you! I'm glad you told me that" - You say excitedly

- "A-are you serious...?" - She says without believing -

- "Of course I am!" - You laugh, happy

- "Well... In that case, I'll go over there to celebrate!" - She also laughs -

Miranda Priestly:

- "Y/N! Come here immediately!" - You hear Miranda call you, her voice firm -

- "Oh God..." - You get up, worried

- "Hang in there, Y/N" - Emilly laughs, teasing you -

- You go to Miranda's room, asking her why she is calling you that way

- "Yes, Miranda?" - You go to her

- "You know, Y/N... You really... You're perfect"

- "Uhh... Thank you?" - You say, completely confused

- Miranda comes closer. You may or may not have backed off a little

- "You know... You have become very important to me..." - She puts her hand on your face

- "M-Miranda..." - She interrupts you

- "I like you Y/N. Do you understand? I want you"

- You become mute. What could you say? You were surprised, blushing and... Happy

- "I'm going to interpret this silence as if you feel the same" - Miranda says, smiling. A genuine smile this time

Emilly Charlton:

- Emily approaches your table. You can tell she's nervous, although she tries to hide it

- "Hey, Y/N... I... I like your makeup - She says, surprising you. Is she complimenting you...?

- "Uhh... Thanks Emilly. Your makeup looks great too" - You respond politely

- You notice her cheeks turning red, which surprises you even more. Why is this cold girl blushing in front of you?

- "Emily, are you okay?"

- "Y-yes... Why not...?"

- You laugh a little - "You're blushing"

- This makes her blush increase even more

- "Okay, you know what?!" - She holds your hands - "I like you! Do you understand?! Th-that stupid smile of yours... Brightens my day"

- You stay for a few minutes, surprised. But soon you pull yourself together and kiss her fingers - "I like you too... You attracted me since the day I got here"

- You notice her choking a little with your attitude. And then a smile graces her expression - "At least we have something mutual"


- She just approached you one day, without the slightest subtlety

- "Hey Y/N, did you know you look beautiful today?" - She asked, placing her hand on top of yours -

- "Uhh... Thank you, Serena..." - You replied, a little embarrassed -

- "You know... What do you think about going for a drink after work?" -She asks, while gently stroking your hand-

- You immediately get the message, and you don't stop blushing

- "I-I would love to..."

- "Excellent!" - She smiles, satisfied. She gives you a kiss on the cheek - "I'll meet you in twenty minutes!"

- She leaves, leaving you completely flushed and happy

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