When they realized they like you

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Andrea Sanchs:

- It was on a winter day

- Andrea invited you to her house so you could talk (you became good friends)

- You were sitting on the couch while you two drink hot chocolate and watch Titanic (I know, it's a random movie)

- She just looks at you, while you are focused on the movie. She notices how beautiful you are... How beautiful your clothes are... How brilliant your personality is...

- "I... Am I liking her? No... She's just my friend... And besides, I'm straight... I think" - Andrea thinks confused

- She can't stop thinking about you differently and looking at you with different eyes...

- Suddenly, she feels the urge to lay her head on your shoulder, and does exactly that. You may or may not have been surprised and blushing... But you liked it

- "Maybe... I really like her after all... Oh God" - Andrea giggles to herself

Miranda Priestley:

- Miranda always noticed you, actually. From the day of the interview

- You have noticed certain changes in her behavior in the last few days. Like her addressing you more softly, and not being so cold and indifferent. And even  praised you. No one has ever been praised by Miranda before

- But then, she realized how much she likes you one day

- "Do I really like her? She's just my assistant... There's nothing special about her" - Miranda thought in her office

- But then she looked outside and saw you laughing while talking to Emily. You never looked so adorable to her as you did at that moment...

Emily Charlton:

-Emily always catches himself looking at you every day. When you look up, she quickly hides

- She treats you with arrogance, as always. But you can't help but notice the way she looks at you...

- One day, she had a bad cold, it was noticeable how bad she was. But of course, she couldn't miss work under any circumstances...

- "Emilly, you really don't look good today..." - You tell her, after she sneezes -

- "Oh, apparently you have eyes" - She said ironically, while blowing her nose on a tissue -

- You roll your eyes but walk up to her. - "Here, wear my overcoat" - You offer her

- "Are you serious?" - She asks, surprised

- "No, it's just a prank" - You return the sarcasm she always used with you, smiling -

- She can't help but laugh lightly. "God, what's wrong with me?" She thinks

- "Thank you, Y/N." - She takes her coat, smiling. She then realizes that she really likes you... No, she likes you so MUCH

- And then she felt grateful that she had a fever and you didn't notice how possibly blushed she was...


- She was interested in you from day one, when you "baptized" her new coat with coffee

- She always went to your workplace to talk to Emilly, but her eyes were always directed towards you

- For her, you are more beautiful every day...

- "The person who is with Y/N ​​is undoubtedly lucky..." - She thinks

- She just wanted to be that lucky person...

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