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Alisha Pov
Yall I've made it to htx, I love my grandma cause tell me why my car was ready by the time I got here. Who you know got money like my granny. Anyways it was abt a 3hr flight.

As I was driving I thought on what I said to Trey. I realize that I said those words not only out of frustration but out of hurting too.

Those words just flowed. I only didn't scream and yell those words because we were in a public area.

But had I been anywhere around the people that ik I would've said far much worser things then I would've ever imaged. It's like the anger from the past just made those words so much stronger.

I didn't tell y'all but the first relationship I had was toxic. I was mentally and emotionally abused. I never told anyone cause he threatened me if I did. He cheated all the time but it didn't hurt as much as with my bsf.

Trey didn't deserve those words I gave him but he did. He needed a female to show him as a nigga who is supposed to have morals for themselves and not just wanting to look at girls like an object.

I didn't mind loving on Trey but what I did mind was him knowing how I felt abt my self. Cause I realized after the relationship I was in I had to learn abt self love.

Which I am learning now but I feel like it's going to be a longer process. Trey showed me with in the past few days that I don't need a relationship.

I'm hurting because I can't get the answer on to why am I such a good person if bad things keep happening to me.

I don't take shit for granted but I take em as a lesson. Those two niggas showed me how to not love but to have a cold heart when it comes to being in a relationship.

For a good few years my dad was here. He showed me what husband and wife looked like but soon as he died it died too. Not only do I feel lost as a person but I feel lost as a soul.

Maybe I need to go to church again like we did when I was a kid. Although my dad was in the streets he made sure we went ta church. He said you are no man or woman without the lords word no matter what your profession is.

I haven't been to church sense my dads funeral. Which ain't to good cause look how I'm living. I ain't even ask ma could I come down here. I really said fuck everybody cause that's how I feel.

When I seen how Trey had a conversation with her it triggered my past so I felt in the car or leaving the trap or even the airport I had the right to go off on him because he was showing me that he would treat me better.

Nun the less he recently just showed me that he was a 18 yr old fuck boy who likes to put his dick in different bitches and I wasn't up for that.

With me moving out of atl and coming to htx I feel like it's gonna be a new change for me. Idk abt making lots a friends tho this shit kinda made me shy.

Trey's Pov*
It's been damn near three whole hrs later and I'm crying like a pussy ass nigga drinking Straight Hennessy back to back. Like I can't take this shit. What Lisha said rlly hit a nigga.

She might be right bout that heartbreaker shit cause I might be one. But I wanted to change my ways. She rlly said that I thought you were a lover but you're just a heartbreaker.

That's ok if you want to be one but don't be scared when you get yours broken by a great female because it will come either to you or your kid.

That shit came to me when she said it. She don't even realize that she was the female that broke my heart into pieces.

But reality is I broke hers first by not letting her know what was going on with a nigga. I'm over this shit like this the end of life.

Cause what I did sound like I damaged a broken person to be hurt more. She seems so full doe like she put a smile on a nigga face when I'm down.

The fact that I fucked that up was killing me cause as my mama would say Hijo, deja de tratar a estas chicas como si fueran juguetes. Un día tendrás una chica de verdad. Espero que ella sea tu esposa, bebé, pero tú también tienes que querer eso, hijo.

(Son stop going through these girls like toys you gon get a real girl one day I would hope that she would be your wife baby boy but you have to want that too son).

Like damn I rlly wish I could hold her but that what I get. I hear my door banging Ik it ain't Lisha cause I watched her walk into the gate.
But I wish it was her cause I'm always leaving good girls on bad terms.🤦🏾‍♂️

As I open the door not only do I see my mama but I see Lisha's mama. They have mean mugs on their faces. They see me crying but they look like they wanna kill me.

When my mama talk in English you know she mad. Cause she always speaking in Spanish but she knows English.


Trey couldn't even get a word out with his mother yelling to him 30 minutes straight it was like females in his life just hated him for who he was the same way he hated his father for leaving out of his life.

He had so much hatred towards his father that he wished he could've killed him but he let him live because he didn't need to go to jail over a deadbeat.

He lowkey started to feel like he was one with not being in Tyus life because after so long he stopped reaching out to get in contact. It was like he walked in his dad's foot steps.

Son I'm not upset with you because ik my daughter she had told me after she got off the plane that she was in htx and that she moved their.

I do wish that she hadn't cut me off last night, but once her mind is set she's not changing it. Ik she is not 18 but she is pretty much grown. She kinda had to grow up early.

Son wtv you did too her you made it worse. She called me crying saying how she rlly did at one point loved you but you triggered her in the worse way possible. She said that she doesn't owe you any type of apology with the shit you put her through.

Son not only did you put gasoline into the firer but you made it larger. It looks like that she doesn't want any apology after the situation yall were in. With me looking on the inside out y'all may not fix this rn but y'all will at some point cause at a point and time y'all were bsf.

I can't say that she won't find someone new but what I can say as a mother is you needa get your shit together for the looks of it you have kids. You needa get your ass up and become a better man and fast.

Cause if you have a son I advice you to straighten up to show him the way a man is supposed to be not just to an lady but to him self she said as both her and his mama walked out.

Trey let what everyone said get to his head as he grab the keys to his hellcat and just drove off. As he was just right down the street he seen red and blue lights so he ended up getting pulled over.

The cop came and looked into his eyes and said sir step out of the car under arrest for Trespassing, Violence, and Murder. You will also be held for DUI.

As this day got worser for Trey all he wanted to do was just cry him self to sleep and get the realization over everything that's happened.

But as he is 18 he has to be a man and understand when you do things consequences will always happen. That's exactly when reality spoke to him to tell him he's not only like his father but hee just might be worser.

That's a wrap for chapter 6 this was such a long chapter😁. How do y'all feels abt the words being exchanged through his mother and Alisha's mother? How do y'all feel abt him going to jail?

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