The past

"So how much for the girl?" A man asked looking at 6 year old Y/n who was sitting on a chair hugging her teddy bear as close as she could.

"1 billion won" another man said.

"You're crazy right?" The first man complained

"No, he's not crazy, he's being cheap. If you bought a kid from the dark web or the human traffic, they would be more expensive" a woman said walking in the room.

"Besides, we know what you'll use her for" the woman said while looking at Y/n. The man approached her and caress her chin.

"I will have a very fun time with you" the man said. He turned to the man and the woman and payed them. He dragged Y/n by the arm and before he could take her away, the swat team busted down the door and arrested the man and the other man and woman. The swat team did a full sweep of the house finding Eunmin and Hanasoo tied up and covered in bruises.

The team rescued the kids and took them to a safe place.

Eunmin's blood dropped from his face, he looked up and saw his mom and dad looking for them. He saw Taehyung approaching them and walked up to him.

"Don't let anyone near her ok?" He said sternly

"What's going on?" Taehyung asked

"Just do what I said, man!" Taehyung nodded and approached Y/n who was trying not to have a mental breakdown. Eunmin approached Hanasoo and told her everything. The twins, and their partners, along with some aunts and uncles of the twins, walked up to the Han sibling's parents.

"Well well well, look at you guys" the woman said

"We're very sad you guys didn't invite us to the wedding" the man said.

"You both need to leave" Eunmin said.

"Why would we? After all, you are our kids" the woman said.

"Speaking of kids, where's Y/n?" The man said looking around for her. He finally found her in the arms of Taehyung.

The man smirked.

He tried to walk over there but Eunmin stopped him by blocking his path. The man looked at Eunmin and sighed, he walked back to his wife.

"We'll leave, but we will be back" the man and the woman left.

Eunmin and Hanasoo, walked towards Y/n to check if she was ok, it broke their hearts to see her in that state.

"Come with us, let's get out of this friend for a bit" Hanasoo said trying to get Y/n to walk with her. Y/n was hesitant, she didn't want to leave Taehyung's embrace.

"I'll go with you, baby" Taehyung said, she nodded. Taehyng, Y/n, Eunmin, and Hanasoo walked to the dressing room. They sat Y/n down in the couch.

While Eunmin and Hanasoo were talking about what was happening, Taehyung comforted Y/n. He got some tissues and tried to dry Y/n's tears as best as he could so he wouldn't ruing her makeup.

"Taehyung, me and Eunmin have to go do something really quick, could you stay with her please?" Hanasoo asked, he nodded. The twin siblings left the room, closing the door behind them.

In between her soft sobs, she spoke out.

"If you want to break up with me, I'll get that. I have a lot of resurfacing trauma and I don't want you to get tired" she said. Taehyung looked at her and shook his head no.

"Y/n please look at me" he said placing a pinger under her chin and softly pulling her head up so she could see him. "I don't want to break up with you, you make me happy, you make me feel loved, why would I want to throw our relationship away?" He said and smiled softly.

"But I don't want to keep you like a prisoner, I want you to find someone else and live your life happy and worry free with them" she said, tears rolling down her eyes again.

"Han Y/n, what part of I won't break up with you did you not understand? I love you" he said

She looked at him and smiled. Taehyung leaned in for a kiss, which she gladly gave him.

"Thank you Taehyung, I love you too"

Eunmin walked in with a glass of water. He handed the glass to Y/n and sat down next to her. He rubbed her back and kissed her head.

"Taehyung can I talk to you?" Eunmin asked. Taehyung nodded. They stepped out into the hallway, closing the door behind them.

"Listen Taehyung, what happened earlier..." he said

"I know what that was about, Y/n has told me about them but just briefly" Taehyung said.

Eunmin nodded and sighed.

"Is there a way you could stay with her for a few days?" He asked

"Yes of course, no need to ask me".

They walked back in and noticed she was sitting by the counter where her makeup was.

"I heard we're taking family pictures now" she said looking at them. She finished fixing her makeup and put her things away.

"Ready?" Eunmin asked, she nodded.

They walked out to the dance floor where the rest of her family was. Currently, Hanasoo and Kyungsun were taking pictures with her in-laws, then Y/n and Eunmin got in the picture as well as Kyungsun's siblings. Then they brought in their partners. Y/n waved at Taehyung to come but he shook his head no.

He shouldn't be in the picture if he's going to break her heart.

"Come here Taehyung" Hanasoo said.

Taehyung walked towards them and posed next to Y/n. After pictures, the party was starting to die down. The couple was getting ready to leave for their honeymoon. The Han siblings were huddled, hugging and crying and laughing together.

"We'll miss you" Y/n said

"Awww my little sister, I'll only be ton for two weeks" she said hugging Y/n.

"By the way I want a nephew" Eunmin joked. Hanasoo sent him. A death glare.

"I want a niece, that way I could dress her up in cute little outfits" Y/n said.

Hanasoo rolled her eyes and hugged her siblings one last time. Kyungsun came up to them and hugged her siblings.

"Take care of her kyungsun, she's very important to us" Eunmin said. He nodded.

The couple got in their car and the people that remained waved them goodbye. The party was finally over. Y/n told Taehyung she was going to get her stuff.

"Hey Eunmin, would you like for me to give Y/n a ride?" Taehyung asked.

"Actually, yes, that would be amazing" Eunmin said. Y/n came back with her stuff.

"You'll be ok?" Eunmin asked

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me" she said. Eunmin hugged her and then kissed the top of her head.

"Thank you Taehyung" Eunmin said. Taehyung and Eunmin shook hands.

"Ready?" Taehyung asked, she nodded.

"By the way I am sharing a ride with my friends, is that ok? They'll drop us off at my house and we can stay there if you want" Taehyung said.

"I don't mind, either or is ok"

They kissed but got interrupted by the teasing of his friends.

"Guys! Grow up!" Taehyung said.

Little did she know, that night was the start of her hell.

Just a joke   Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now