part 11- i saw you guys. ⚾️🏥

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finney pov:

"bruce is in the hospital"

"the fuck you mean?" my eyes widen. "bruce. is in.
the ho-" "yes robin i heard you! i mean like what the
fuck happened! is he okay?" i smack his cheek. "griffin
and everyone else are there, he didn't say why. let's
just go over and see." robin walks back to his room,
me following.

we walk into his room and he passes me a hoodie and track pants. it was like 4 in the morning, so it was freezing. we hop out of his window and grab him and his sisters bikes from the side of the house. pedaling as fast as possible over to the hospital.

robin didn't live far from the hospital so we got there around 15 minutes later. "this is never how i thought this night would go, i mean, first we are in bed, and now we are sweating our asses off biking to a hospital at 4am" robin says looking back at me.

robin has no sense of awareness, though. so as he looks forward he smashes into the back of a van, flipping over the top, and rolling across it completely. "what the FUCK is going on?" i yell, breaking and turning around. "are you okay!?" i say, my jaw on the ground.

"never been better!" robin gets up from the ground and picks his bike back up. i start laughing at him as he's staring at the van. "hey it's not my fault the van is black!" "and it's a magicians van.." he says. "yeah so it being a magicians van with "abracadabra" on it, it just spawned there?" i laugh. "yes!!!"

we finish our ride to the hospital, and barge in the doors, almost hitting someone over. we ask the receptionist about bruce and she calls a nurse to guide us to
his room. we walk in and see griffin, billy, obviously
bruce, and vance, looking really dirty and pale, all sitting in the room, bruce laying down.

"hey so uhm, what the actual fuck happened?" robin says, his jaw wide open. "i snuck out, and planned with vance to meet at the grab n go, but when i was almost there, i was hit by a car, and this guy stepped out with a knife, that's when i heard a loud crack and saw vance, who smashed him with a baseball bat." says bruce, on the verge of tears.

"i don't know what would have happened if i wasn't there, i don't want to think about it." vance looks down. nobody has ever seen him like this, i mean it's vance, you can't see him portraying any other emotion then anger most of the time. but this was different. he was acting like he actually cared, a lot.

"do you have any like, broken bones or anything?" i say, looking up to the hospital bed. "she told me two of my ribs are broken, and i sprained my wrist, also i'm kinda bruised.." he says, with the obvious blue and purple splotches on him.

"do you guys want any food?" robin looks around the room. "i'm starving.." billy says. "same" "me too." "me three!" everyone follows up. "come on finn, help me pick out what everyone's getting." robin says, dragging me out of the room.

robin pov:

as we sat in the room in silence, my stomach rumbled, and i thought of an amazing excuse to talk to finn, y'know, about stuff. i ask everyone if they're hungry and drag finn out the room. we walk around for a bit before finding a vending machine.

liking boys has been in the back of my head since last year. but i have to remind myself that i can't like boys, it's 1978! you know what people to to them. but since i've met finn, something has just been.. different with him. he's not like the other guys in friends with. i feel somthing more, and i feel it's best to just tell him.

"sooo.. what are you gonna get?" i ask finn, who
is browsing the snacks. "cookie." finn smiles. "hey
uh.. finn?" i look over. shit. i said it. "can i like talk to
you about something, promise you won't see me
any different, or ghost me.." i say, a confused look
on finn's face.

"yeah of course! nothing you say with make me look at you different." finn smiles. "okay.. i think i like you finney. and not as a friend. like as a crush.. i'm sorry if you don't feel the same way. i don't know if i'm even sure." i blurt out, my words speeding up as i speak.

finney pov;

robin just admitted to.. liking me! robin. likes me. did i like him back? of course hello? i just don't know if i could tell him. "robin, i think i like you too.. ever since we met, it just feels different to be around you compared to the other guys. and at our sleepovers, i-"

i get cut off by robin placing a soft kiss on my lips. "WOAHHHHHH" i thought to myself. i continued the kiss, suprising robin. after it was done, we got the snacks, still beaming red, and returned to the hospital room as if nothing happened.

we walk in and distribute snacks to everyone. they
all say their "thank you's" and we start to eat. i look over to griffin, who has some sort of guilty look on his face. "finn, we should get going. it's almost 5:30!" robin says.
my eyes widen. my dad would actually kill me if he
knew i was up! better yet at the hospital! it doesn't matter the reason.

as we are walking out the door i give both bruce and griffin a hug goodbye. as me and griffin are hugging, he whispers somthing in my ear that shakes me to my core.

"i saw you guys."


AHHHHH GUYS IM BACK IM SO SORRY. anyway i've rewatched tbp 3 times this week. IM SO FUCKIN EXCITED FOR TBP 2!! i hope you liked this part thanks for reading 🫶🫶 (sorry for any spelling mistakes!!)

1021 words :)

ps: i made a new story check it out!!

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