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- Tell It To The Frogs

" I was reading this article on abstinence and how not having sex is like its own spiritual journey" Jessica trailed off as she and Olivia were floating in the water holding each others hands

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" I was reading this article on abstinence and how not having sex is like its own spiritual journey" Jessica trailed off as she and Olivia were floating in the water holding each others hands. Olivia frowned with a confused look on her face lifting her head back to stare at her best friend, " right..." Jessica kept her eyes on the blue sky above her and continued, " the writer compared it to how monks take their vows of silence and I really feel like that's going to be my next journey"

Olivia laughed shaking her head in amusement closing her eyes enjoying the sun on her skin, " Bitch, I don't believe a word you're saying" Jess had an offended look on her face furrowing her brows and curiously questioned, " why?" The blonde beauty let out a sigh shaking her head in response, " because you love to be loved and the only reason you're saying this now is because the dead are taking over the world and there's no hot boys for you to have sex with"

"Well... yeah, that's true. You can't say anything you have Alicia wrapped around your finger" Jessica smirked as the two of them leaned up right in the water only for Olivia to shake her head in response with a deadpanned expression on her face, " What? No... we're just friends. She's the only one apart from Amy that's our age" Jessica scoffed in disbelief as the two girls climbed out of the water putting on their dresses, " you seriously don't notice the way that girl looks at you..."

The sound of a car alarm blared loudly in the distance causing everyone to stand up instantly in caution and worry knowing that the noice will attract the walkers and wherever walkers are death follows soon behind, " talk to me, Dale!" Shane called out loudly as everyone gathered around the RV where the man was stood on top with a pair of binoculars in his hands looking in the distance to see who it is that's the cause of the car alarm.

"Is it them? Are they back?" Amy cried out with a hopeful look on her face as tears glistened in her eyes as Dale removed the binoculars from his eyes after he caught sight of a red car heading in their direction, " I'll be damned" Olivia frowned in confusion as she came to a stop beside Amy looking over at the older man and curiously questioned, " what is it?"

" A stolen car is my guess" Dale stated keeping his eyes on the car in the distance causing Olivia to follow his eye line only for a smile to appear on her face letting out a sigh of relief at the sight of the red sports car happy that the others had make it back to them in one piece. " Holy Crap. Turn that damn thing off!" Dale exclaimed shooting Glenn a scolded look causing his smile to fade slightly as he resorted, " I don't know how!"

"Pop the damn hood, please" Shane instructed Glenn who did what he said as Amy rushed forward towards Glenn her eyes widened with an anxious look on her face, " My sister Andrea..." Amy trailed off as she and Shane started speaking over each other causing Glenn to raise his hands in the air in surrender climbing back into the car to pop the hood for Shane, " is she okay? Is she all right?"

𝐁𝐄𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 - 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃Where stories live. Discover now