Hello, Angelina.

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Coming home from a long day of shopping with my dad, mom, and two younger siblings who are twins, I was completely worn out.
We left around morning for brunch then we all agreed on shopping as school was right around the corner. My dad had something to tell me but I honestly think he forgot. Something about a family dinner. I don't know.

What I do know is that it's a celebration for some people. My mom mentioned it to my dad and that was all I picked up from her mouth. I'm quite curious as to who it is and where it will take place. Probably home because we got groceries right after.

More importantly, I am bored and this is somewhat entertaining to me. And we haven't had a family dinner in a while. My dad's been having some really important business meetings out of the country and my mom is a fashion designer meaning she has to leave sometimes as well but not as often as him. Whereas I am left alone with my two younger siblings. One boy, one girl. Sophia and Santiago.

It's not that I don't like taking care of them. I adore that they look up to me but I kind of wished they would go to our parents and not their older sister. My dad and mom do spend the weekends with them and take them on little walks and spend the whole day together. I admire them trying to spend more time with them but clearly, it's not enough because they still go to me.

My thoughts get interrupted by a knock on my door. It's not the twins because they knock in a certain way that I picked up quite quickly. I hear the voice and recognize it. My dad. Me and him have a good relationship, if I'm being honest it's better than the one I have with my mom.

"Melanie, could I come in?" He asked.

I'm glad he knows to just knock and ask if he could come in. Unlike some other people. My mom and my two best friends. Juliette and Devon. Also my two favorite people in the world. As well as my younger siblings' favorite people. Sophia favorites Devon while Santiago favorites Juliette. And when they're here they pay no attention to me.

I got up and walked to the door opening it for him. I moved aside and walked to my bed and gestured for him to come sit. He did so and took a deep breath before speaking up.

"You remember..Xavier, right?" Oh, no. The mention of his name immediately brings back memories of what happened to me when he came over for the first time.


Melanie's POV:

I told Xavier which room was my room. He said he was gonna help me put together my Barbie set I got for my birthday! He walked up the stairs with me piggybacking him. I giggled as he made plane noises and when we made it up to my room he put me down. I was confused when he started to try and take off my dress.

"We're gonna switch to pajamas okay?"

He told me. I nodded my head in excitement and let him do it. My excitement immediately washed away the moment I saw him unbuckling his belt. I felt genuine fear and tried to run away but the moment I reached the door I got pushed on the ground with a lot of force. Not enough force to cause any evident harm.

"You'd better be quiet or I'll tell your mom that you weren't listening to me when I asked for your help. And she's not gonna like that, is she?" He told me his voice laced with malice.

I felt myself begin to tear up.


The next thing I knew I was in my dad's arms crying. He was rubbing my back in soft circles as I clung to his shirt like my life depended on it. He didn't even finish what he was trying to say. I pulled back and sniffed. I looked into his eyes which had a look of complete hurt and sadness in them.

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