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I hurried to P.E. and when I got there I noticed that there wasn't anyone. Not even a teacher. A confused look washed over my features as I looked around. I looked around and the halls were empty. Not wanting to interrupt the teachers I found my way to the front desk.

"Ms. you know why there isn't any P.E. today? I was heading over and noticed there wasn't anyone there." I said.

She only gave me a look of confusion.

"Sweetheart, the principal said the teacher couldn't make it. He let us know on such late notice so you guys have a free period."

I could sense the uncertainty in her tone of voice. But hey, no P.E. on the first day of school? How could anyone turn down on that?
Especially me. I hate P.E. I despise it.

I nodded in response and walked away.

"Have a good day miss," I told her.

"You too, Melanie." She said smiling.

Even though we don't speak much she's actually really nice. Everyone sees her as a lonely elder but I see her having fun helping others with school and other things.

I entered the library and went through my phone. While scrolling I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw a girl. She looked around my age. Really pretty not to mention. I examined her face and noticed she had green eyes. They're really pretty.

"Seat taken?" She asked, breaking my trance.

I smiled at her and shook my head.

" it's not." I spoke softly. She's so pretty.

She smiled at me and sat down. I closed my phone and looked at her. She had silky brunette hair and little waves here and there. She noticed me staring and smiled again.

"What's your name? I'm Scarlett." She asked.

Even her name is hot. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks and I look away for a few seconds before looking back.

"Melanie. Are you a new student? I haven't seen you around here." I asked.

She probably wasn't. I don't really pay attention to when there are new students because how and why is that my business? But she's also not really easy to spot in a crowd of people so that's why I asked.

"Yeah, I am. We came from New York but my father had a business trip in London so here I am. He also seems to really like it here so who knows? We might be staying here." She replied reaching into her bag for something.

"Have you read this?"

The Price Of Salt. I was familiar with the movie however not the book. But I hadn't watched the full movie either so I really didn't know much.

I shook my head and moved closer to her. Just to get a better look at the book.

"Wanna read it together? I've only watched the movie but I haven't read the book." She stated.

I was about to speak but got cut off by something snapping. I look back and notice her with ink all over her hand. She somehow felt me staring and rolled her eyes.


She sighed heavily and walked away. A confused look washed over my features. My thoughts get interrupted by the sound of Scarlett's voice.

"Who's she?"

"Just an English teacher." I stated looking back at Scarlett.

She nodded in response and opened the book to the first page.

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