Our Unexpected Encounter.

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As everyone leaves my dad walks to me and sits down next to me. He clears his throat and looks at me. I look back at him and notice he's looking at me with tears in his eyes. Does he know about Sophie? I instinctively wrap my arms around him and he immediately reciprocates. He sniffles and pulls back.

"Did..did Xavier try to..with Sophie? When I came back from talking with your mother..he wasn't in the living room and neither was Sophie." He asked me, his voice shaking.

"He tried to. I caught him just in time though, Dad. He wasn't able to do anything to her. She was completely oblivious to the entire thing."
I reply to him, it's only dawned on me now that I saved my little sister from being traumatized for the rest of her life. I heard him sigh in relief and then he spoke up.

"The next time I see him I will murder him on the spot. I don't give a fuck if I go to prison for it. He should be walking free. Not after what he did to you." He said. As much as I hated Xavier I did not want the only man who understood me to go to prison. No man will ever understand me like he does. I stand by that.

"Dad, as much as I hate that man I will not let you go to prison. I can't and I won't allow it. I need you here and so do those little rascals stuffing their faces in cake." I said pointing to the two dirty blonde-haired twins. I chuckled at them and so did he. We continued talking until he had to go help my mom clean up the house. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and I walked up the stairs and into my room.

I flopped down onto my bed and groaned loudly. I still felt the feeling of his hands lingering on my body. I lazily got up and walked into my closet pulling out some pajamas. I needed to shower anyway. I probably smell like cigarettes. I took off my heels and threw them..somewhere in the room. I went into the bathroom and peeled off my dress then let down my hair. I turned on the shower water and let it run so it could get warm. I went into the shower and stood there for a good 20 minutes doing absolutely nothing but staring off into the void.

I jump onto my bed and immediately bury myself in the duvet. I checked my phone and noticed that the time was barely midnight. I should probably message Dev and Jules. I haven't talked to them for three days. Three days. That's absolutely wild. I get more comfortable and message them.

im bored can we call?

Dev 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩:
yes, i miss u so bad.

sometimes i mistake you guys for a couple.

I rolled my eyes and called our group chat, Devon being the first person to answer then Juliette. I placed the camera at a somewhat decent angle and saw Devon holding her cat right next to her face. Asher looked completely done with her, it's funny.

"Leave poor Ash alone, Dev. He's fed up with you." I stated. She huffed and rolled her eyes putting him down.

"Are you guys ready for school tomorrow? I heard there's a new English teacher. She's supposedly really pretty." Juliette stated.

Prettier than Angelina? Yeah, no way. She could make anyone fall to their knees within seconds. She could probably kill someone and look hot while doing it. I find her attractive physically but there's no more to that. Just a simple attraction to her looks.

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