One House.

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The man groans and our attention goes back to him, he gets up and tries to hit Angelina but is instantly pulled back by one of the bouncers. Angelina scoffs and runs up to punch him again but I grab her by the wrist and pull her back she mumbles a curse under her breath and runs a hand through her hair. All while avoiding my gaze she shifts her weight to one foot, poking her cheek with her tongue.

"Angelina," I said, dropping her wrist and trying to get her attention. She looks at me but stays quiet, her eyes showing absolutely nothing but anger. It's kind of off-setting but I see where she's coming from. If a woman man called me slut I'd actually beat the shit out of him. If I could, that is. But I can barely hold my younger siblings for over 10 minutes and I'm not very athletic. So let's be realistic here.

"Does it hurt? Your arm." She finally spoke up. I looked at my arm and noticed an ugly handprint on it, what a douche. I'd be fine if it was her hand though, just saying. Man, I really have to stop that.

"No, not really. Does your hand hurt?" I asked her. But she looked to the side and pursed her lips. "I've got to go, a group of girls from the school are here." She said completely ignoring my previous statement. I looked over and noticed the girls. Scarlett has her arm linked through Devon's and Juliette looks like she's done with them. When I look back Angelina is nowhere to be seen, was I imagining things or? I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that was.

"Heyyy! Who was that woman? She seemed pretty intimidating. Like, seriously I could feel her from the entrance." Scarlett asked. So has she not met the English/literature teacher? But I'm sure she wouldn't want the students to know she's at a club, even though it's normal.

"She's just a lady who..who offered me a drink. But she seemed quite occupied so I declined." I responded. She nodded and turned her attention to the lovebird that still had her arm attached to Scarlett. They both sit beside each other and Juliette sits next to me. I could sense the smirk on her face and I wanted to smack it off so bad.

Smirking then turns into a small chuckle as she looks towards me. "So what's Miss Mysterious doing at a club?" She asked looking around. Miss Mysterious? I might just start calling her that instead of her surname.

"No idea, she just saw me, said hi, and walked away," I said, meeting Juliette's gaze. She had her hair in a ponytail and light makeup. Then again, she doesn't like going out unless it is for events and random celebrations so it's no surprise she wouldn't put much effort into her appearance.

"I doubt it. She seems like to the person to tell you to fuck off if you breathe in her direction." She said breaking eye contact and chuckling. I wonder if everyone sees her like that. She's actually funny when she lets her guard down.

"I'm gonna get drinks!" Devon yelled over the music dragging Scarlett with her. I wonder if they're really going to get drinks or something. They make a great couple though, I'm honestly envious.

"Everyone has a boyfriend except for me. That's it, romance is dead-" She gets interrupted by a guy who taps her shoulder. He was sort of good-looking. He was a dirty blond, don't know what eye color but probably brown. Just her type. They talk about something and then she gets up.

"I'm gonna go dance with Elias, okay?" Was the only thing I heard before nodding without even thinking. It's only now that I realize I'm the only one left without a person to dance with.

That's sad.

I sigh and get up, pushing past a bunch of sweaty people to get to the dance floor, the music getting louder. I push past a few more people in the crowd and a guy up to me and asks to dance in a non-rude way, reluctantly I agree.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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