Love and Lust

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Once Sophie watched Angela give her the letter, Sophie walks the other way to try and avoid Angela as she reads it. She instead goes to the kitchen where Erin and Chanse were. 

"Here, Sophie." Chanse hands Sophie an envelope with her name written in bold on the middle. "It's from a secret admirer." He says. Sophie thanks Chanse for the letter and opens it.


We may have just met but you have really caught my eye. You're funny, smart, and caring. I know we did just meet but I felt like I known you for a long time. I'm going to give you hints as to who I am (or maybe not). I hope these letters have us grow closer and I hope they work. Soon, maybe I can reveal myself but I'm a little scared, pussy, as one may call it. Hope to see you in our new video. 

Secret admirer

Once Sophie got done reading the letter, she looks up to Chanse who just shrugs his shoulders. He walks out with his food and Erin is just sitting there. 

"Good luck on finding out your secret admirer." Erin says. Sophie chuckles.

"Thanks, I'm going to need it." Sophie gets a water bottle from the fridge and leaves the kitchen. Angela turns the corner and looks down in Sophie's hand.

"You got one too?" Angela says with a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah." Sophie says. 

"Good luck on finding out who it is. It could be in front of your face, y'know." Angela says with a tiny wink. 

"I hope this person makes it easy on me then." Sophie says.

"I hope so too." Angela says and then she walks away near the desks.

"Someone has a crush." Sophie hears behind her. She turns around to see Courtney standing right there with her arms crossed. "Tell me about it."

"I might have been here for like a month or so but something about Angela just feels right. I feel it in my gut." Sophie says looking in the direction Angela went. Angela can be seen laughing with Erin and Chanse. 

"You wanna say more. Spill." 

"She's funny, smart, sweet. No matter what she'll find a way to take what someone says and make it funny. And her laugh. Something about her laugh, Court. Something about her laugh just makes me wanna fall off the face of the Earth." Sophie looks at Courtney who is looking at Sophie with love in her eyes.

"I remember that feeling. Now I'm dating him. Here's what you do. Flirt." Courtney says.

"That's all?" 

"He made the first move, not me." Shayne walks up to us.

"Also, tell her how pretty she is. She'll eat it up." Shayne said.

"When do I get to make the move?" Sophie asks. Shayne looks over at Angela who was looking over as Sophie. 

"Any point, clearly." Shayne says. Sophie looks over at Angela who quickly looks at Chanse. Sophie smiles and then looks back at Shayne. 

"Go get your girl, Soph. Also, don't be scared. She warms up to everyone easily but not this easily." Shayne says. Courtney smiles.

"Good luck." Courtney says. Courtney takes Shayne's hand, and they walk off. Soph looks down at the letter. Who could the secret admirer be? Duh. Angela. Does she know that the secret admirer letter is from Sophie? Hopefully.

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