‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Twenty. If I Knew It All Then, Would I Do It Again?

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          TATUM WALKED INTO THE FINAL MATCH OF Phil's Tiretown Challenger -- this damned challenger that somehow has changed her life entirely -- with a distant memory as of a week ago, Patrick Zweig, at her side.

The stands were filled to the brim -- none there for Patrick -- but almost all cheering and hooting as Tatum walked out.

It was an exciting entrance, sure, but Tatum was only focused on Patrick and the shared goal they had: that he'd win today.

It was interesting, really, being Patrick's coach. He was already a stellar tennis player - he didn't need to be taught much. It was all a power play to get his name back on the map. Each Tennis magazine and news outlet: Tatum Nichols to coach washed-up Patrick Zweig for a season.

They were brutal, honestly, but neither Patrick or Tatum had anything left to lose.

"Any words of wisdom, coach?" Patrick asks with a boyish smirk, setting his bag down on the court beside him.

She grins, her eyes glimmering with intensity as she looks up at him and pats the side of his arm. "Eyes on the prize."

He laughs, giving her a playful eye roll. "Wow, thank you."

The elephant in the room was whether he was going to actually throw the match like Tashi requested or not. Hopefully not.

But neither of them bothered to mention anything.

Nor did they have time to, because in mere moments the crowd picks up again and in comes Tashi and Art.

Art's eyes are down as he walks beside his still wife. He looks as though they've just gotten in a fight and it now pains him to walk beside her with his wedding ring still on.

But despite Patrick clearing his throat and trying to say some stupidly coy joke about the two, Tatum is entirely fixated on the way Art's blue eyes light up at the sight of her, even yards away from across the court.

They share a smile like they have a secret (which they do) and they don't care who might find out (they don't).

"Why were you so angry when I said I was sleeping with Tashi but you've been sleeping with Art?" Patrick scoffs, sending a warm heat up Tatum's face like she's back in high school. "I didn't think infidelity was on your radar, Tum."

He's smiling -- grinning -- as he says it but Tatum only rolls her eyes.

She turns to face him and quickly, when she does, she's almost... blushing. "Why would you say that?"

Patrick's laugh booms even louder than before. "Why are you blushing--"

Tatum smacks his arm, nearly shoving him back with strong force, even in a tiny body. "Fuck off!"

His laughs begin to dim, but they're still much apparent.

The blonde's face turns from flustered to stern quick as she wags a finger in Patrick's face. "Eyes on the prize."

The meaning is entirely different the second time she says it -- and they both know it too -- and somehow even after all these years, they're able to conversate with only their eyes. And when they do, they both understand what the prize in question is.

"Eyes on the prize." He repeats to himself as she gives him one final pat before going to take her seat in the bleachers.

However, unfortunately for her, in just a few minutes she'd be joined by none other than Tashi with her entourage following behind.

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