TKIOB- Hyung

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Jungkook PoV

"Hey Chan! What's up bro?" I punched my bestfriend lightly on his shoulder while he dramatically hissed.

"Oow! Don't, you muscle bunny. I might die and who knows you might be friendless for life hmm?"
He exaggerated and I rolled my eyes. He was being a Drama queen in the daylight.

"Yeah yeah. I am so grateful to have you baby" I saased and pulled him towards our first lecture.

It was Calculus and with it comes boredom.
Kim Jungkook hates both of the above.

But I know Namjoon Hyung will be hella angry if I skip this so I guess it's better to learn something boring than having your eyebrows shaved.

"Let's sit come on!" Chan excitedly shouted gaining everybody's attention.

I bowed a bit in a apologetic manner and smack his head the next moment.

"Why can't you be quite hmm? Everyone is staring at us. I am sitting wait ya?"
I said and sat next to him. Chan pouted and looked the other way.

I decided to enjoy the moment of him being quiet and scrolled through my phone before the lecture starts.

Liking my favourite posts and scrolling aimlessly the 10 minutes of silence was no more when I heard a voice. This wasn't Chan. He isn't annoying. But this voice was damn annoying and pitchy.

"Oh hi! Sweet heart! How have you been doing without me hmm?"

"I am doing so alright until now Hyun"
I sarcastically replied making him frown. He gave me a fake laugh and touched my shoulder but I yanked it off hard.

"Why so rude huh? I just give you my attention unlike your Killer brother. Oh what is his name? Min Yoongi? What does he do guys? He killsssss people. Wowwww!"

My blood boiled. Noone talks about my family like that so without waiting further I throwed a hard punch on his bitchy face.

Chan held me back while I cursed him.
"Jungkook the principal is on a rou-"

"What is happening here huh? I want you and you in my office right now!"
The principal walked in without anyone's acknowledgement and called out for Me and Hyun.

Hyun had smirk on his face as he was the victim attacked.
So it was more of a possibility that he was to be supported.

I goarned and left towards the office followed by Hyun.

I knew Jin Hyung is going to be angry on me for putting up fights. wasn't MY fault.

Knocking before entering, I saw Mr Walker sitting patiently. He was a man in his 40s. A gentle and kind but loved disciplined. So I know I was in a big trouble for breaking the rule of 'no fighting in the campus or class'.

I greeted him kindly and he nodded his head but Hyun kept standing with his attitude.

"So... Would you both mind to elaborate what I saw just now?"
He asked. I nodded and opened my mouth to spit the truth but Hyun started yelling.

"JUNGKOOK BEAT ME SIR! CAN YOU SEE THIS BRUISE RIGHT HERE? IT WAS HIM" I cringed at his voice and Mr Walker looked angry by now.

"Stop yelling kid! I don't want any violence or chaos here. Be professional!"
I rolled my eyes as Hyun was just being a wanted attention victim.

I raised my hand a bit and asked for permission to speak. Me Walker nodded and I explained everything.

He sighed.

"We will surely get to know about the truth through the CCTV cameras but I NEED to call your guardians here" he said and fear raised up in me.

I know it wasn't going to turn out good if my Hyungs got to know I fought.

The Killer Is Our Brother [MygxBts / Brotherly ff]Where stories live. Discover now