About Chaos Theory

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Wow. Ok. So, I finally finished up this rewrite. Started it back in December. Ended it today at the end of April. It's been so fun to write out this fic, hence the relatively frequent updates. When I first got started on writing this fanfiction, I had a few ideas scrapped out. Such as Ben's death being permanent and a thing where Kenji and Brooklynn did end up dating, but after Kenji's betrayal, Brooklynn realized would've realized her feelings for Darius. And I even had the idea of having Kenji's betrayal be permanent. Ultimately, I'm glad I never went with any of those. And I'm glad with the way it turned out. This fanfic could have been better. But I think it's enough for me to be happy.

Honestly, when I first heard of Camp Cretaceous in 2020, I wasn't sure. The animation and kid-friendly nature put me off. But 3 years later, last summer, I finally gave it a try. And I'm so glad I did. This show is amazing, and honestly my favorite piece of Jurassic media behind the original Jurassic Park film. It did what the Jurassic World films have failed at so horribly. Which is really flesh out the characters and build them up. And that aspect of the show means I'm heavily attached to it, and the six campers. All of them are really well written, and when I come to this last episode, it always gives me a small amount of sadness to see them grown up. Especially when I finished it last summer.

Because, of course, we probably all know Chaos Theory is coming out in a little under a month. Seeing Ben and Darius as adults is a strange feeling. And it's a little strange that Darius has moved into a small cabin into the woods alone, but hey. I'm excited for it. And of course, I plan on making a rewrite of it as well.

The rewrite will be a sequel to this fanfiction, carrying over every element that I've changed.

Now, one of the reasons I managed to finish this fanfic relatively quickly was because I'd begun writing it after Camp Cretaceous ended. Now, we don't know as of now if Chaos Theory will be a one season long show or have multiple seasons. If the latter is the case, I'm obviously not waiting until Chaos Theory ends. I'll begin writing after I wrap up watching the first episode/season, when I have a good idea on how to start.

If Chaos Theory is a multiple season long series, this means there will be month to year long waits between each season, which means the same will go for the fanfiction. This means there will be a lot of time between some chapters. I'm turning 18 in August, meaning I'm gonna be transitioning into an adult life including college and a job and everything, which will inevitably make my schedule a little bit rougher. Regardless, I'll do my best to keep motivated and remember to update the fanfiction as the seasons roll out if there are more than one [which I hope there are].

That said, I hope you guys who read this fanfiction the whole way through enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It's been fun to do so, and great to read your comments as they drop. Thank you so very much for all the reads, and the votes. Over 190 of them is honestly insane.

Again, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed. I'll catch you guys next month with the first chapter of my Chaos Theory rewrite!

And, in the meantime, I'll also be working on a few other fanfics, unrelated to Camp Cretaceous. So, keep an eye out for those!

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