Sick Baby (CGs)Alastor, Lucifer, Vaggie (Lil)Charlie

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Caregivers: Alastor, Lucifer, Vaggie

Little: Charlie

Others: Angel and Husk, Niffty, Cherri

CW: This is about being sick so warning for puking and gross things like that

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"Charlie? It's almost noon, are you feeling alright hun?" Vaggie asks peeking her head into their bedroom. On the ground wrapped up in an apple quilt was Charlie, aggressively rubbing her nose. 

"Oh baby," Vaggie gasps out and rushes to her, "Don't do that. I'll get you some tissues for your nose." Vaggie smiles and boops her nose. "Feel real ick." Charlie mumbles out and grips onto Vaggie's hand.

Vaggie smiled and looks for Kleenex around the room, not finding any in their bedroom, but instead seeing that at one point Charlie must've puked on a blanket and tried to put it into the hamper. 

"Come on baby, let's get you dressed and some food into your stomach." She says and picks up Charlie carrying her to the large walk in closet.

Charlie is placed down on a small bench in the closet as Vaggie chooses some clothes for her. "Red or white dress?" Vaggie asks Charlie holding up two different overall dresses. One was white with an apple patch in the middle and the other Red with music notes and piano keys on the pockets and end of the skirt. 

"Appl!" Charlie says and points up to the white dress. Vaggie nods and grabs a red short sleeve with white lace on the sleeves, and some black shorts along with a pull up just in case. "Can you stand up for me baby?" Vaggie asks and Charlie nods sliding off of the bench and using it to hold herself up so she can get dressed.

-- --

Vaggie carried the princess down the stairs, "Charlie's not feeling well." She says to Lucifer who was sitting in the kitchen at the island, "Oh is that so duckling?" He asks and she sadly nods.

"No worries princess, I'll make you your tea." He says and stands up, Vaggie sitting down at the island with Charlie next to her. 

"What do you mean her tea?" Vaggie asks intrigued. "When she was a little little girl and would get sick I'd make her tea from a movie she saw." He says grabbing two honey comb shaped containers from the shelf on the wall. Vaggie nods and goes back to looking at Charlie, making sure she doesn't fall over.

"Hm? What's going on in here?" Alastor says walking in with his staff by his side. "Making Charlie tea because she's sick, also little." Lucifer says and holds up the mug in his hand currently. "I see, does the little princess want something to eat with her tea?" Alastor asks looking over at the little.

She nods, "I think maybe only some chicken nuggets and fries and fruit is a good idea for now. When I went to check up on her I saw a puke covered blanket being stuffed into the hamper." Vaggie says as Alastor walks up to the fridge.

"Alright, I can get that made." He says and get the star chicken nuggets along with curly fries out of the freezer. "I'll get Niffty up to the room." Lucifer says placing the mug by Charlie, "Careful baby it's hot." He gently says and pets her on the head before leaving the room.

"It's busy in here, what's going on?" Angel asks walking into the kitchen, "Charlie is sick and little." Alastor sums up in five words for the spider. "Ah jeez- I wish I could stay and help but I'll be caught dead if I miss a shoot for being sick so-" Angel rambles out before leaving the kitchen quickly. 


"You enjoying your brunch lil one?" Alastor asks looking across the living room as they watched Disney films, "Mhm! tank you!" Charlie replies and goes back to eating her apple slices and chicken nuggets.

"Laundry is done! I put it all back into everyone's rooms neatly folded on set up on the bed!" Niffty says and hops onto the arm of the chair Alastor is sitting in. "Thanks Niff." Vaggie says with a thankful sigh. 

"Today has been a little chaotic huh." Cherri chuckles out and Angel nods, they were both sitting on a couch. Angel sitting next to Husk and Cherri leaned against the opposite armrest. 

A few sniffles echoed in the living room, "You need some tissues there?" Husk says in a light joking tone. Alastor chuckled and summoned up a small little black shadow demon to bring over the Kleenex to the little, "Blow your nose dear." He says hiding the disgust at people who are sick and being sick in general.

"Tank you." Charlie say to both the small shadow demon and Alastor as she blows her nose, tossing it Lucifer who held up a trashcan.

"Do you want take a nap apple pie?" Lucifer asks taking the empty plate off her legs. She nods and lifts her arms up for Lucifer to pick her up. "I'll tuck her in upstairs, with a fresh box of Kleenex and a trashcan next to the bed." He says to Vaggie who gives a thumbs up to the deadly sin.

word count: 865

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