CH2: Failsafe

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You were in your apartment calling someone on the phone. Your TV was on with a News Reporter talking about what you did at the bank yesterday.

News Reporter: A unknown suspect is wanted for the murder of 7 Bank Robbers in The Midtown District. When Police went inside the Bank. They found a massacre. All People in the Bank survived and are Unharmed expect for the bank Robbers. One of the robbers was alive but had all his limbs Removed. He passed away at in a Ambulance, 10 Minutes Later.

News Reporter: Police are looking out for the suspect. Witness are in too much shock in order to say anything right now. But some police are believing the criminals were murdered by a Inhuman or Meta-Human. George Stacy says that this is the most Disgusting case he's seen and wants to bring the Killer to Justice.

As you were calling your Contractor. He picked up. He had a voice changer which made him sound very deep in order to protect his identity.

Contractor: Reaper, I've got a new Son of Bitch for you to Assassinate. This guy's a professional Drug Dealer. Used to run with Multiple other Criminal Organizations for 7 Years. He's trying to get a raise with The Hand. Some ninja group. Name's "Neil O'Mally" he's Trying sell some crazy amount of some unknown drug on their market in Chinatown. Take him out for 700,000$.

Y/N: I read you.

Contractor: Good, now go and put this fucker in the ground.

He hanged up and sent me and emailed me. The Dealer's face, the money to Kill him and the location he was going deal at next. It was a abandoned warehouse. Perfect.

I left my apartment by opening the window and jumping out. I then jumped while running on the building.

I flew high into the air and gained momentum I also did some parkour on buildings. As I was on my way to the location I had heard some gunshots nearby and decided to investigate.

As I investigated. I found some Thugs trying to rob a store.

Thug 1: Open that fucking register!

Clerk: Alright! Shit!

Thug 2: Hurry the fuck up! (Shoots near Clerk!

As I watch I jumped down and people that saw me just watched.

"Leave it to the Police Spider-Freak! Wait... That's not Him..." Some guy who mistaked me for being one of the Spider people.

As I entered the store. The Thugs immediately turned around.

Thug 1: Who the fuck are you?! Go!

Thug 2: Come on GET!

I morphed my into a blade and slowly approached them.

I morphed my into a blade and slowly approached them

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Thug 1: What the fuck?!

Thug 2: Oh God. Please don't Kill us! WE'LL LEAVE!

Y/N: Too late for that now.

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