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𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐀 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 a lot of time with Hermione outside of classes, which meant many evenings were spent in the library. She liked feeling like she had a second older sister to look up to while away at school. Hermione always had the best advice for anything, whether it was studying, spells, or crushes.

Dorothea had never had a crush on anyone before. She'd always thought that romance was something made up for the fictional stories she loved so much. When all the other girls in her year started getting boyfriends, she thought that there was something wrong with her because she couldn't see what they thought was so attractive about them.

But then she became friends with Luna. All the symptoms of crushes that she'd read about – like butterflies in her stomach and blushing – she'd feel when around her.

"Mione?" Dorothea spoke up, closing her potions textbook.

"Yeah, Doro?" Hermione asked as she looked up from her essay.

"H-How do you know...if you like someone?" Dorothea asked quietly, nervously glancing around the library to make sure no one was listening. She was almost embarrassed to be having this conversation. "Sorry, I-I just figured that you would know, y'know being, um, older."

"Don't apologize." Hermione put her quill down. "Is there someone that you think you might be interested in?"

Dorothea shrugged. She looked down and chipped at her nail polish. "N-No...Well, sorta...I-It's stupid. I shouldn't have asked."

"No, Thea, it's not stupid. It's a completely normal part of growing up." Hermione gave her a soft smile. "Soooo, who's the boy?" she asked, nudging her gently with her shoulder.

"O-Oh, um—"

"Hermione, you won't believe the conversation I just had with Ron," Harry said as he approached them. Dorothea silently thanked him for the interruption; now she wouldn't have to come up with a fake boy so Hermione wouldn't judge her for liking a girl. "He said that you've got your knickers in a twist and there's no stopping what he and Lavender have. Said that it was chemical."

Hermione scoffed. "He's at perfect liberty to kiss whoever he likes," she said, annoyed. "I really couldn't care less. Was I under the impression he and I would be attending Slughorn's Christmas party together? Yes. Now, given the circumstances, I've had to make other arrangements."

"Have you?" Harry asked as he sat down across from her and Dorothea.

"Yes. Why?"

"Well, I just thought, seeing as neither of us can go with who we'd really like to, we should go together as friends."

Hermione's brows pulled together. "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Who are you going with?"

"Um...it's a surprise."

"Thea, who are you going with?" Harry asked her. Dorothea shrugged. She'd been trying to get the courage to ask Luna, but she didn't know how to without making a complete stuttering fool of herself.

"It's you we've got to worry about," Hermione stated, looking at Harry. "You can't just take anyone. See that girl over there?" She pointed to a 4th year Gryffindor. "That's Romilda Vane. Apparently, she's trying to smuggle you a love potion."

"Really?" Harry's eyes lit up, and Dorothea frowned.

Hermione thumped him on his forehead. "Hey! She's only interested in you because she thinks you're the chosen one."

"But I am the chosen one."

Hermione sighed. She looked at Dorothea. "Would you like to do the honours?"

Dorothea nodded with a small grin. Hermione handed her a roll of parchment, and she hit Harry on the head with it.

"Okay, sorry," Harry apologized. "Um...kidding. I just, um...We'll, I'll ask someone I like. Someone cool...How about Luna?"

Dorothea's heart dropped to her stomach. She gaped at Harry, but quickly closed her mouth to try and hide her shock. This was the price she had to pay for not being able to ask her when she had the chance.


Dorothea ended up asking Neville to go with her to Slughorn's party. He was the only other person she could think of that would be available on such short notice, as well as the only other person she'd feel comfortable going with.

"I've never been to this part of the castle," Luna said as she, Harry, Neville, and Dorothea walked down the corridor to Slughorn's office. "At least, not while awake. I sleepwalk, you see. That's why I wear shoes to bed."

Much like the dinner party, Dorothea found herself rather bored and overstimulated at the Christmas party. She sat at a table with Luna and Neville, her headphones on to drown out the noise. She sipped on some punch and nibbled on a chocolate chip cookie, hoping that the party would be over any minute.

Unfortunately, it just seemed to be dragging on, and on, and on.

"Reach the stars. Fly a fantasy. Dream a dream, and what you see will be..."

"I don't really understand why everyone gets so excited about parties," Neville said as he sipped his butterbeer. Dorothea put one side of her headphones behind her ear so that she could listen to him. "I mean..." he chuckled, "they're rather awkward, don't you think? Everyone's just standing around, and the music's not even good."

"Mine is better," Dorothea agreed.

"What are you listening to?" Luna asked.

"A mixtape my dad made me. There's songs by a few different Muggle artists, and even a couple wizard ones. Dora added those, of course. She's a huge fan of the Weird Sisters."

"Take your hands off me, you filthy Squib!"

The chatter in the room came to a stop as Filch came in, gripping Draco tightly by the collar of his shirt. Luna glared at the boy. Dorothea had told her how he shoved her and threatened to throw her off the Astronomy tower.

"Professor Slughorn, sir," Filch said. "I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party."

"Okay, okay! I was gatecrashing!" Draco confessed. "Happy?" He noticed Dorothea watching him, and guilt flashed across his face.

"I'll escort him out," Snape said as he walked up to him.

Draco broke himself free from Filch's hold. "Certainly...professor."

Dorothea's brows scrunched together as she watched them leave. Excusing herself, she quietly followed them. She shifted into her animagus form and hid herself in the shadows of the corridor as she listened in on the hushed conversation between her cousin and the former potions master.

Her heart nearly stopped for a moment when she heard Snape utter the words unbreakable vow. Whatever Draco was doing, it was dangerous enough for Narcissa to worry he'd need extra protection.

She'd have to bring this up to Tonks when she went home for Christmas.

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