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𝐀 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃 since the war, and Dorothea spent every moment with her friend's and family. She had officially opened up to her mum about her relationship with Luna, and a huge weight was lifted from her shoulders when Andromeda accepted her with the most loving smile and warmest hug.

Her only request was for her and Luna to keep the door open three inches whenever they were alone together.

Narcissa and Draco visited multiple times a week, and sometimes, Andromeda would allow them to bring Bellatrix. Luna and Neville practically lived with them, and were more than happy to help out with Teddy. Dorothea hadn't left his side since she came home the night of the battle, and she hated being away from him when she had her therapy appointments with McGonagall.

A Muggle therapist would never believe her if she said she fought in a wizarding war. They'd think she was crazy.

Not a day went by that she didn't take a walk to her older sister's grave. No matter the weather, she would go there to talk to her or just to sit quietly and read. She missed her every day. Whenever something exciting would happen with Teddy, she couldn't help but die a little inside knowing that Tonks wasn't here to witness it.

"Okay. I'm gonna do a magic trick. You ready, Teddy?" Dorothea placed a feather down in front of her baby nephew and took out her wand. She just had her 17th birthday a couple weeks ago, meaning that she was now able to use magic outside of school. "Wingardium Leviosa." She flicked her wand at the feather, and it floated up into the air.

Teddy giggled and clapped his hands together, kicking his little feet as he sat in Luna's lap. Dorothea directed the feather to lightly tickle his nose, making him laugh more. She smiled at his amusement as she lowered the feather.

"When you're old enough, you'll be able to do that, too," Luna said, tickling Teddy's stomach.

"It's one of the very first charms you'll learn in Flitwick's class," Neville added.

Teddy reached grabby hands out for Dorothea's wand, which she quickly held out of his reach. There was nothing scarier than a baby with a wand – and that was really saying something.

"No, no, silly." Dorothea giggled and kissed Teddy's cheek. The baby grabbed her face with his small hands and puckered his lips, pressing them to his aunt's nose.

"Thea, Luna! Your Hogwarts letters are here!" Andromeda called from the other room.

"Come on, Teddy!" Dorothea picked Teddy up out of her girlfriend's lap, leaning up to kiss Luna softly on her lips. They went to the dining room to open their letters. Dorothea set Teddy down in his high chair before taking her letter from her mum. It felt unusually heavy.

She opened it and scanned the list of supplies that she would need for her 7th – and final – year at Hogwarts. She looked inside the envelope, her jaw dropping when she saw what had been weighing it down.

"Oh, my God!" Neville exclaimed, his eyes lighting up when she took it out.

"What is it?" Luna asked, peering over Dorothea's shoulder at the golden Head Girl badge. Andromeda gasped when she saw it, nearly dropping the tub of baby food she had just opened for Teddy.

"Sweet Merlin...Prefect and head girl." Andromeda walked across the table to hug her surprised daughter. "Thea, I am so proud of you! Is there anything special you'd like to celebrate?"

Dorothea looked down at where Porcus was eating leftovers from a tupperware container. "Can I get another pig?" she asked her mum, grinning innocently.

Andromeda blinked. "Uh...How about a cat instead? A cat won't nearly be as much work."

𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 | l. lovegoodWhere stories live. Discover now