Phoenix & Frostbite

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The chair creaks as I lean back, "hey Nix! You got this mornings lecture notes? I can't read mine". He sighs and chucks a notebook across the room, "you need to stop falling asleep in class Frostbite, I'm getting tired of you copying my work". As much as I love to spar these lectures are a good break for my wings, it's nice to not have to use my quirk every once and a while. I quickly pick up the book and begin copying down my brother's neat handwriting in red pen over my smudged pencil scribbles.

Every day is the same. Wake up, lecture on a random subject, training, small lunch, more sparring/hero training, dinner, personal studying, lights out. Every lecture I doze off while Phoenix takes note, Phoenix and I get separated for training, Nix has lunch in the nurses office with a new burn, we train together and spar with the rest of our class, we have dinner and clean ourselves off, and finally I copy Nix's notes before passing out. It's simple really, stay in the routine, keep your eyes on your own work and your mouth shut, I don't get why all these new kids say it's so awful. Before I know it my head is on my paper and my pen is god knows where as I drift to sleep; I can hear my brother snoring behind me.

235 words.
Hey it's me SAZX! this is a rewrite of my awful first attempt at a fanfiction, I have no posting schedule and am working on another fanfic along with his one (shameful plug) so please don't expect much of this; it's just for shits and giggles.
!!! If u got sm to say say it! IDC! Stay positive obv but if any of y'all see any mistakes or things you think could be better or things you find funny talk about it! I love an active reader!!!

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