burn scars

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So it turns out she wants to bring us all home, a lot of the students seemed excited but I'm not so sure about it. Our parents didn't want us, they brought us here when we were maybe a year old, same with the rest of the students; I don't see how she thinks our lives will be better if she hands us to people we've never met that don't want us.

She has us take her to our dorm; she scans the room before addressing us. "Back to what we talked about before I gave my speech, what do you mean your parents never named you? They had to have called you something". Nix glances between me and Miss Akiyama before sighing, "miss Akiyama, our parents didn't want us, that's why we're here. Why would they name us?" She seemed sad, her stern gaze sofening as she knelt down to our level. "How old were you when you came here?" "To be completely honest I don't remember" I say scratching my chin, nix quickly jumps in, "our counselor told us our parents dropped us off here as babies, all we know is that ones a pro hero like they're training us to be" her eyes widen a bit before she pulls out her phone. "What are your IDs?"

We tell them to her and she quickly types away at her keyboard, she scrolls through for a while before pausing to look up at us. "There's nothing, I just scrolled through your files and there's nothing about where you came from, who your parents are... nothing,". Phoenix doesn't seem surprised, "makes sense; they never intended for us to go home so why would they need to save something like that?" "Because it's one of the agreements made by the commission and the Japanese government that let us keep this place open for so long,".

"Wait they were trying to shut this place down? Why? Is the commission not sending out enough heroes? Are we not strong enough?" She kneels downs to our level and rests a hand on my shoulder, "they were trying to shut the school down because students shouldn't be abused by faculty and killed when too weak; Frostbite. Because at your age you should have three large meals a day and the option of small snacks, Phoenix shouldn't be getting as injured as often as he is, and you should have at least Nine to twelve hours of sleep every night; not five to six. This school has trained some of the best heroes out there but we've also killed dozens and have raised generations of people who can do nothing but work as a hero, who have died in battle due to exhaustion and malnourishment because we raised them to think that sleep and food aren't important. Because housing you here, makes me and everyone working here war criminals and no child, especially not one as young as you were when you got here, should be a child soldier,".

"....what?" She slips her phone back into her pocket and motions for Phoenix to come over. "Show me your arms,". He hesitates a second before pulling up his sleeve; faint burns paint his skin, they remind me of a stream of water the way they flow and twist. thankfully most are old but Miss Akiyama still looks extremely worried. Her brows furrow as she examines his arms, "are these from your own quirk? Your file mentioned to be cautious about training with your quirk but this..." He nods, "yeah, but hey! I'm getting better! Now blue flames only hurt half the time, and they turned green once!" "Really nix!? That's great!" I smile at him, still trying to process what Miss Akiyama told me.

"And how often do you do this?" She asks him, he scratches his newest burn as he thinks back to when he first got his quirk; she grabs his hand to stop him from irritating the month old wound, "I think about every day since I was.....five maybe? I was a bit of a late bloomer;" "every day?" She asks, surprised. "For..." She takes a second to count; "every day for five years you did what gave you these scars?" He nods, "yes Miss Akiyama".

She lets go of his arm and quickly stands up; "id like to have a word with your counselor; id also like to get a DNA test done on you to find your family if you don't mind," I shook my head, "no ma'am". "Good, I should have you in my office by two weeks from now for the test and new schedules if everything goes smoothly; rest up. All activities are cancelled for today " she says before leaving our dorm.

Hey! Sorry this took so long I have finals coming up and am hella burnt out, I'll try to update this one or Big Mistake again soon but idk. Love y'all! :D
826 words

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