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Currently Jisung his 17 and Minho is 19.

"You are not welcome in this house anymore boy, GET OUT" Jisungs father screamed. The boy didn't know what to do.

"No please I'm sorry. Let me stay please. I promise I will be better!" Jisung begged, kneeling down, new tears joining the tear stains on his face. The only reply he got was a kick to the ribs. Jisung yelped and fell back, clutching his stomach.


"YOU ARE NEVER TO COME AROUND HERE AGAIN" Another. Jisung clutched his stomach in pain and coughed up a bit of blood.


The smaller boy was weakly able to nod his head. His father kneeled down and grabbed his hair, roughly pulling it so the boy will face him. 

"WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT WORDS?" He slapped Jisung and pulled him up earning another yell from the boy. He dragged him to the door, opened it and pushed his son out. Jisung landed on the pavement, crying even harder. He heard the door slam and just sat there. Why do I have to be like this? Why do I have to be wrong? Why can't I be normal? Is all he thought as he lifted his body up off the pavement and started down the road.


Rain started pouring, lightly at first but becoming heavier quickly. The droplets woke up the boy, forcing him to painfully stand up and move to shade. Jisung stumbled as he walked, pain erupting from his stomach with every step he took. It was the middle of the night and he had hoped to sleep the pain away. Eventually he made it to the shade of a tree, curling into a ball to stay warm. He still only had his school uniform on, a thin piece of white fabric that was now soaked and shorts.

Jisung closed his eyes, only to be confronted with the painful memories. It had only been a couple days since he got kicked out, but he missed home, the warmth, his friends, even school. No one had come to check if he was okay. Not his father, mother or friends. Nobody cared. 

A rumbling sound woke Jisung from his thoughts. His stomach ached for food, but he was in so much pain he felt he would just throw it up. Plus, he didn't have any money, he didn't have anything really, just the clothes on his back. After pondering what to do, the boy decided it would be easier to think on a full stomach than not.

He walked, as normally as he could, out of the park. Jisung tried his best to ignore all the weird stares he got, he knew he looked crazy, he was starting to feel crazy too. Eventually he made it to the convenience store, luckily there was only a cashier and a young handsome boy with short black hair. He had high cheek bones and pale skin, he was tall, at least taller than Jisung. Stop it Jisung, stop thinking like that, that's why your here in the first place! The boy thought, snapping back to reality and turning his face in an attempt to hide the very evident blush on his face. He quickly walked to the snack isle. Looking at all the food made his mouth water. He looked up and noticed the security camera nearby was broken. Jisung grabbed a couple of pudding cups and started shoving them into his pockets. Suddenly, a hand latched itself onto his wrist.

He looked up only to be met with the handsome boy's stare. Blush started to make its way back to his face. The taller boy looked the other up and down before letting go and reaching for some pudding.

"Leave some for the rest of us, will you?" 

He said smirking, turning and walking out of the isle. Jisung was frozen, someone had caught him stealing and just let him go?  The blush on his cheeks grew to a darker shade of pink as he remembered the boys gaze. Jisung shook his head and walked towards the door.

"Hey! Whats in your pocket?" The cashier yelled at him trying to get Jisungs attention. Nervous the boy just kept speedwalking to the exit.

"Hey! HEY IM TALKING TO YOU, GET BACK HERE YOU THIEF!" The lady's yells got louder as she ran around from the counter. Jisung started running just as he exited the store.

"SOMEONE GRAB HIM! HE'S A THIEF!" The cashier yelled pointing at him. Panicking, he ran to the right and bumped into someone, crashing to the ground. He looked up to be confronted with an angry face. A strong man with a wide jaw and a scar going through his eyebrow stood over Jisung. He quickly got up and tried to leave.

"No way you little thief!" The man grabbed Jisungs wrist and yanked him to his side.

"Your going to be in a lot of trouble" he said leaning in and inspecting the smallers face and smirking. Without thinking Jisung punched the man square in the face, the pain causing him to let go. He took the opportunity and ran as fast as he could.

Jisung ran and ran. His heart was beating so fast, but he wasn't sure if they were following him or had called the cops. Eventually he stopped near a random gas station as the sun was setting. He quickly found the bathroom and locked himself inside. Exhausted, he cried. So much had happened and the boy was stressed. What do I do? Where do I go? Should I beg for forgiveness? Leave the city? Just beg on the streets for any money? He wonders, crying until he has no tears left to cry.

After half an hour, Jisung is able to pull himself together, stand up and face the mirror. He stood there and looked at his dirty face and tattered and stained clothes. He opened the few pudding cups and ate them, savouring every bite as he doesn't know when he will get to eat again. 

When he was done, Jisung carefully unbuttoned his shirt to finally look at the damage his father had done. Slipping it off, he immediately noticed the bruises covering the sides of his ribcage. He poked them tentatively and winced, they looked terrible and hurt worse. Not wanting to think about them and unsure of how to heal them anyway Jisung puts his shirt back on, throws the pudding cups in the bin and exits into the brisk cold.

The injured boy just wandered around searching for a good enough place to sleep. Just as he was starting to get tired, he fell across an alleyway. It appeared to have some old bedding or at least some shelter for him. Tired and not wanting to walk around anymore, Jisung headed inside.

Seeing anything in the dark was almost impossible but he held onto the wall and felt his way around. 


Something yelped from below Jisungs foot, making him jump.

"What the fuck, can't you see where you're going!" The figure rose from the ground, revealing itself as the man he bumped into earlier, just with a small bruise on his cheek. Fear flooded the boys head as he recalled what this guy had told him earlier. You're going to be in a lot of trouble. Jisung knew he was in deep shit when the guy recognized him as well.

"Oh, it's you. Ha, you won't be able to get away so easily this time!" He said as he grabbed onto Jisungs arm and shoulder and shoved him against the wall. The guy held onto Jisungs throat and punched him in the gut while the smaller scratched at his hand.

"Shut the fuck up and take this as punishment for punching me!" The man yelled in the others face, spit flying from his mouth. he let go of Jisung and he fell to the floor, gasping for air. The shorter boy tried to crawl further into the alleyway but was stopped by a hand on his ankle. Jisung gasped as he was dragged back and held against the wall again.

"I can do this all night brat!" The man said as Jisung closed his eyes. It was silent for a moment before he opened his eyes and saw a familiar hand latched onto the guy's arm.


please let me know if you liked this chapter. it's my first long book that I'm writing so i hope you like it <3 also ignore any grammar or spelling mistakes.

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