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Jisung is frozen in place. Why do they need his father? 

"Jisung. Jisung, are you okay?"

Minho was looking at him concerned, the boy ignored him and turned to his mum.

"Why do you need my dad?" He asked with a shaky voice he tried his best to hide.

"He used to work for us, and we need to talk to him is all." She smiled kindly, Jisung felt weirdly safe with her but was still unsure.

"Do you know where he is?"


"Can you take us to him?"



Jisung laid down in a bed that wasn't his, staring at a ceiling that wasn't his in a room and house that wasn't his. It was weird but better than sleeping in the park again. He was running the events of the day through his head. They wanted to see his father, that horrible, horrible man that had ruined Jisungs life. He was scared, he didn't want to see that man again ever. The next day they were going to go to his old house and talk to the man he used to call his father, and he was scared.

Jisung sat at the top of the stairs, his parents were screaming at each other because of his grades. He had failed math and now whatever was going to happen was his fault. Lost inside his thoughts, the boy started crying quietly, the voices fading to the background. The only thing that brought him out was a plate smashing. He got up and rushed down, last time this happened-

Jisung yelped as his hair was harshly grabbed from behind. His father dragged him to the living room where is mum was knelt down cleaning the broken plate. He was thrown to the ground. He could smell the alcohol reeking from his father as he was thrown down. His mother was crying and quickly pulled him close to her body.

"Shhhhh baby, it's okay. He's just in one of his moods. It will pass, he still loves you." She cooed at him, although it sounded like she was talking to herself more than her son.


Jisungs father grabbed his mum and moved her to the side, revealing a terrified boy.

"NO SON OF MY WILL BE AS DUMB AS YOU." He slapped his son, leaving a slight red handprint on his cheek. His mum screamed and the small boy just cried harder. This was the first time he had laid his hands on Jisung. Before he could swing again, his mother cried,

"JISUNG, GET UP AND RUN!" causing his father to snap his head to the noise, giving him time to run. He did and ran up to his bedroom with his father following close behind and yelling any insult or slur he could think of. He quickly ran around, grabbing things and blocking the door. After a couple of hours, all noise died down and he was able to cry himself to sleep.

A hand wrapped tightly around his arm, pulling him from the safety of sleep, only to be faced with his angry father. No words were spoken and Jisung was dragged from his bed, through the door and to the kitchen where his mum was sitting, tear stains still on his face. He started screaming at her and hitting his father's arm to let him go. He just walked to the front door, opened it and pushed him through. When the boy recovered from his fall he started banging on the door for help.

But no one came.

He stayed out for a week.

This was the first time of many.


Jisung shoots up from his bed. It was just a nightmare. It was just a nightmare. He kept telling himself. It was, at least this time. He got out of bed and got dressed ready to go out, he needed a distraction. It was the middle of the night; the air was brisk, and he was getting ready to leave. Just as headed out of his room a voice startled the boy,

"Where are you going?" It was the handsome boy from the convenience store's voice, Minho. 

"Just... for a walk" He replied. He had completely forgotten who's house he was in.

"Okay, stay there, I'm going to get dressed.


"So, I can go with you." He said, grinning wide and heading back to his room. Jisung was left alone with his thoughts again, the thoughts he loved to think but new he shouldn't. Couldn't. The door closed making the younger boy flinch.

They headed out in silence until Minho spoke up again,

"Do you want to play 20 questions?" The question took him by surprise, but it couldn't hurt.

"Yeah, sure."

"What's your favourite colour?"

"Red. How old are you?"

"17 but I'm turning 18 in a couple days. How about you?"

"Well, happy early birthday! I'm 19 as of a couple months ago. Do you still go to school?"

"No... well yes but I haven't gone in a few days and my parents might of pulled me out of school anyway. What about you?"

"No, I don't. Why would your parents have pulled you out of senior year?"

Jisung bit his lip, unsure how to answer. Was he ready to open up to Minho? They hadn't know each other for long but it felt like they have been friends for ages.

"They kicked me out." The older boy kept walking unfazed,


"It's my turn to ask a question," The younger dismissed, "do you have any siblings?" The older looked slightly annoyed but covered it up quickly.

"No, I have been an only child all my life. Why did you get kicked out?"

Persistent much. Jisung paused, should he tell him? Will he judge him? Kick him out too?

"I... did something my parents didn't like." Jisung was careful with his words, not wanting to reveal something that will make Minho see him differently. "What school did you go to?" The older looked a little annoyed for not getting a straight answer but didn't push any further.

"I went to the high school just outside town. What about you?"

"Me too! I- Oh, why are we at the park?" They had arrived at what had been Jisungs second home all his life. 

"I love this park, so I thought we could just hang out for a bit before we go home!"

They sat on the swings and kept talking, getting to know each other and getting closer until the sun rose. On the way back they couldn't stop laughing at and with each other, and Jisung knew he had just made a good friend. One that would finally last.

And that's all they were,



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