Miami Night One

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A/N: This was partly written while my power was out, so it was transcribed from my notes app from when I was half asleep :(


My day begins waking up in the tour bus. Seeing as there are tons of people working on the production of these concerts, I knew there would be, but I never expected to all be sleeping on the same bus. The crew, the bus driver, and the band.

The band is constantly up. They're staying up all night: partying, drinking, doing drugs, the list goes on. Anything you can think of, it's done right in front of everyone. Almost everyone does it anyway, except for Jack. It seems like Veronica has really changed him like the media suspects. He used to be someone who partied all the time, never sleeping or taking time to look around. But he's different with her, something's different with him too. Why does it matter that much to me anyway? It's not like I ever really knew him.

We were always just acquaintances. Never more than passing hellos, goodbyes, and waves. I look back at those moments more fondly now just because he's famous and he's one of my bosses. I'm sure of that. If you had asked me what Jack McAllister meant to me if he had never became the man I work for, I would have said arrogant, talented, and thoughtless. He had never had to work hard for anything, it was almost always handed to him. Though, he did work hard to make his career work, I will give him that.

But back to the tour bus, it's absolute chaos and no one knows what to do about them constantly coming back to the bus so late, bringing people in, stumbling, and screaming. I was hoping whenever the newness of the tour wore off, they would also stop acting so childish. Regardless, we were heading to one of the first shows, Miami. 

The place where it will all become so much worse. 

When we had finally arrived at the hotel that we were staying at, everyone started unloading their stuff. But I decided to hang around and wait for everything to clear out. I didn't really have anyone on the crew that I was close to yet, so I thought it would be better than awkwardly waiting for my luggage.

As more and more people started flooding out the of the bus I notice another person hanging behind, on their phone. I try and look around the crowd of people and see Jack. I want to go over and say something, but I have no words. No chance that I'm starstruck after hearing about his relationship too, am I?

I am.

Once I finally gain some confidence to ask some questions about Veronica Campos, he decides that enough people have gotten off. He briskly grabs his things and waits for the luggage as well. That was a waste of energy. I just wanted to ask him a couple of things, he could probably sense the questions coming. Which is something he has been able to do a lot of lately. Run from reporters asking questions about his love life. Which is something I will never understand. Veronica Campos is an incredibly beautiful woman, any man would be lucky to have her.

So why was he afraid of two or three little questions? I'm baffled by this until I start bringing my things up to my room. We were all supposed to be having one person to a room, but I was secretly hoping a mix-up would happen because I need some friends, and fast.

I walk in and see, "Jack?" I say.

"Yeah?" he replies back, confused.

"What are you doing in here? This is my room!"

"Did you not hear that they were making it two to a room? How did I manage to get so lucky to room with you, I wonder." 

"You can carry that tune all the way to a different room. I was just trying to figure this out!" I think about this, why is it no one told me? Does no one have a little bit of decency?

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