Atlanta Night Two

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there were a couple of days in between night one and night two of these shows. and in this time, jack and i were getting closer. we told each other things, and we practically spent every waking moment with one another. we had become inseparable. there were still things lingering over both of our heads though. 

i liked jack, and he had finally admitted, for real this time, everything was fake between him and veronica. 

we were careful not to get too close, but close enough where we could figure one another out. a chance to be, close. 

i was taken away from my thoughts whenever i saw jack waving his hand in front of my face.

"hello? i'm trying to ask you things here." he said fake annoyed, or so i hoped.

"sorry, i was just thinking." i said trying not to go into detail that he was what i was thinking about.

"whatever, we need to have a plan. what should we do today?"

now that we were actually normal friends, we went out in public together. we sometimes ate, we sometimes went to stores, and sometimes we just hung out and enjoyed each other's company. 

but this also came with the territory of being private in public, jack was constantly having to disguise himself in just a way no one would notice. he would wear sunglasses, a hood over his face, even took off his glasses. no one seemed to recognize him and it was good they didn't recognize him either.

paparazzi was the issue. he feared that people would accuse him of cheating on veronica if they saw me out with him. while i was upset about being hidden, i would never say no to jack asking to take me out somewhere with him. whether or not people knew is besides the point.

"i don't really care what we do! i think we'd have fun whatever we do." i tried being sweet, but that really isn't the nature of our relationship.

"that's so sweet!" he replies sarcastically.

he continues again, "no, but what are we going to do?"

"what about coffee and breakfast? that sounds good right now." i suggest.

he looks at me as if he had an epiphany.

"we should go to the bar tonight after the show. i want to meet someone. someone other than veronica, she's driving me crazy."

he realizes his mistake after saying that. 

i had confessed to him that i liked him and he was openly talking about going out with other girls. i wasn't upset or angry, just surprised.

we've really avoided having that conversation despite the many others we have had. neglected would be a better word. neither one of us would bring up our afflictions, and we would never speak of it again. 

i wanted to forget about it and i chose to. so that meant we were going to the bar, i would forget everything that has happened today. i was sure of it.

"i would like to go to the bar. it sounds fun." i force a smile on my face trying to seem excited. almost as if i hadn't just heard him say that he was not interested in me.

"okay, well that's good...because i already told everyone that you were coming anyway." he laughed and walked out of the room.

i laughed and was left with the silence that lingered when he wasn't here. it felt empty and there was no liveliness. i was left alone with the thoughts of just how jack was going to break my heart tonight

i wandered the streets trying to distract myself from thoughts of him. no coffee shop, no food, or no one could keep me from thinking of him. but i had to try and get over him and the fact that we were nothing more than friends.

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