Miami Night Two

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I couldn't sleep well after what Jack had revealed last night. Was it true? I wasn't sure, but I also wasn't about to ask him. Right now at least. 

I tossed and turned all night weighing the possibilities of it being fake like he had said. And I would like to think that it was a joke. Even though he seems nearly incapable of making one of those. I took to watching any movement in the room because the TV would have made too much noise. 

Jack started to move. 

I feel like I wasn't ready to face him after what I heard. I will do it and keep a straight face, he will not see me sweat. Why did I care if we were friends anyway? It wasn't like him revealing this to me changes our dynamic. I'd still be the crew member that messed up to everyone.

The thought of that made me squeamish. I decided to flip back over and try to go back to sleep what little I had gotten anyway.

"Can you stop moving?" He grumbled.

I roll my eyes, there isn't a single moment in the day when he isn't grumpy.

I spit, "Can you stop whining? Take some Aspirin and go back to bed."

 I was getting a little tired of the brooding act. He certainly couldn't be like this all the time or else no would hang out with him, right? Now I think of it, he never did have many friends, only people who admired or wished to be him. For someone so famous you would think he would have friends crawling in every inch of his life. He was different always had been. Wherever he went, he stood out.

"Only because you asked so nicely."

What bet did I lose to have to sleep in here?

"I'm taking a shower, don't come in the bathroom."

It looked like he was too tired to even argue back. He just salutes like I'm an officer in the military. I chuckle at him. It's funny how the smallest things could make us come together like that. And I see him crack a smile. I feel almost a sense of accomplishment. The ultimate grump and I made him smile.

Wait what? What was going on here? It's like my subconscious walked in on us and was just as confused as I now was. Obviously I needed to change around my priorities. If making him smiles made me feel that good, something needs to be changed. I just need to go take a shower and clear my head.

I come out and see him sitting up, hunched over on his phone. He clearly never puts it down. He's texting someone and I'm feeling a tad nosy. I walk behind him to catch a glimpse. It's Veronica. It seems like he doesn't remember what he told me. And if I'm being honest, it's best I don't bring it up just yet. His career was feeding off this relationship and multiple more were leeching off of it too, so best not to ruin the surprise.

"Whatcha doing?" I didn't expect an answer.

"Since when was it any of your business?" I was right not to anticipate one.

"Sorry I-" I frowned, walked back toward my bed and sat there for a second. I then grabbed one of the key cards. I needed to get out of here one way or another, continental breakfast was still open. I walked out, embarrassed and without explanation.

Coming back from breakfast I see the room: empty. Not that I'm surprised or mad, I'm just confused as to where he might have went to. I walked over to see something on my bed. It's a note.

"Sorry that I jumped all over you like that earlier. I just need to have some alone time, I'll see you after the show. -Jack :)"

That was different. His moods were so sporadic. One moment we're laughing and having a good time, the next he's being cold again. It's just his way I suppose. 

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