Atlanta Night One

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i look around to see not see jack in the room. i need to talk to him about last night.

he slowly opens the door as if right on cue, trying not to wake me. he's not coming in late, he has breakfast?

"thank you," i walk over to give him a quick kiss.

we talked, ate breakfast, and laughed with one another.

and then i woke up. that wasn't really my reality, but how i wish it was. just to be in a normal relationship with jack is all i wanted. and that probably wouldn't even get to happen with the nature of jack's job, the fact that he has a girlfriend, and everything else holding us apart.

why must we be so far apart?

"can you stop hogging all of the bed? i'm nearly on the floor."

"i'm sorry." i answer and move over quickly. i forgot he had slept in my bed last night.

apparently we weren't as far apart as i thought we were. all of this was for nothing though, i was nearly setting myself up for failure. getting my hopes up while i know he doesn't feel the same. 

i had practically begged for him to come over to my bed, then asked him to stay, and allowed us to sleep in the same room. i had made every possible choice to lead myself into thinking: this could happen.

i'm delusional.

jack suddenly sits up. i look over to him to make sure that he's okay.

"hey, i wanted to ask you. how did you sleep last night?" he asks quietly.

"better than i have in a while actually. i think you're the key."

"you're certainly not the first woman to tell me that." he's mocking me. 

he doesn't know that he is, but he is. just hearing about the women who've had him before, i'm envious. he's saying, you wish that were you? because he knows every woman in the world is falling at his feet. and he's right, but even more right about me.

"you're actually so gross."  though i felt sad, i laughed anyway. i can't help it whenever he smiles me like that. that face as though he's tempting me to laugh with him.

"by the way, we have to get going soon. we're leaving in about two hours to get back on the road." he said.

all i could think was, i would have to spend time without you again? if he wasn't going to be anything to me romantically, the least we could do was be friends. i wished that's what we were, but i don't think we're even that. the moment he gets on that bus he's going to forget about these last few days and we'll never speak to one another ever again.

"okay, i'll start getting ready in a minute. you go before me, i know you spend more time doing your routine than i do anyway" despite these feelings, i make a joke and plan to fall back asleep.

"whatever," he laughs and rolls his eyes while walking away. that's whenever i wanted to sneak a look at him just to see if he would be looking back, and he was. i feel his eyes look me up and down once or twice, then he went to start getting ready. 

what was going on with him?

after both getting all ready, we head down to the bus with all of our luggage and items. i sat there nearly tapping my foot people were taking so long, but still we waited. finally, it was our turn to put our bags in there. we walk to the bus and jack comes to put his stuff in the bed next to mine. 

maybe we are friends after all. or maybe he just didn't want to be sitting alone either. either way, i don't quite mind.

everyone gets comfortable and we go on our way. me and jack don't have to say anything to one another. it's comfortable like this. no one talking, just sitting there in one another's presence. admiring it. admiring him. admiring the silence.

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