Chapter 3

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Big big big thank you to the person who commented on my second chapter first is an extreme motivation for this. I do this for fun but getting nice comments like that makes me wanna make these more!

While I was waiting for the bus I was watching tiktok on my phone, when suddenly I heard this ANNOYING. AGITATING. Voice. I looked up and saw Etho.

"Will you uh- sit with me on the bus?" Etho asked, he looked kinda upset. I pushed off the wall and stood next to him. "sure, I why not. Cause you're just so obsessed with me!"

I could tell Etho smiled a little bit when I said that, but he still seemed upset. "Alright why are you so upset? You were fine like 10 minutes ago?"

Etho went silent for a second "I- uhm- I'm fine just, tired." Etho nodded as he spoke, I raised an eyebrow at him. "Okay, I get we just met today but if something is bothering you tell me."

Our bus got called, and a bunch of kids started to leave the school. We all piled onto the bus, me and Etho took the seat from where they sat in the morning. But this time I got the window seat>:)

Etho must have actually been tired because he fell asleep on my shoulder. I didn't wanna wake him up so I just kinda sat there. I felt tired myself but y'know I'm so manly I stayed awake.

When we got to Etho's spot, I shoved him so he would wake up. (I'm a genius) He woke up, and without saying goodbye he got off the bus.

I was kinda upset he didn't say anything, but I knew he was tired so I didn't think much of it. I sat with my head resting on the window.

I was the last stop on the bus, so I heard the bus stop and I got up. When I was walking to my house I saw Etho walking to the store. I ran towards him screaming his name "EEFO! EEFO ITS ME!"

Etho turned and waved at me, once I finally got over to him I panted from running. "Hi...Eefo.."

Etho chuckled "Hi Joel" It felt better being friends without Etho than fighting with him. I would never admit it to his face but he's pretty nice.

Etho and I walked to a dollar general down the street, we talked more about Shrek and kakashi. "okay okay, I think this can easily be settled. Shrek is AMAZING and you're a knock off kakashi" I said proudly

"You look like Shrek" Etho said giving me a shove, I dramatically fell. "Owwww Eefo you're so meannn"

Etho laughed, and then picked me up. okay this guy has no respect for BOUNDARIES. Actually no that was kinda nice. what am I saying I HATE ETHO.

I kicked Etho's arm and it got him to put me down "I'm so much stronger than you" I said flexing my totally real muscles ( there's nothing there:( )

"Keep telling yourself that" Etho chuckled while we walked up the parking lot to the store.

"Eefo will you buy me somethinggg, I didn't bring money" I said once again, sounding as innocent as an angel.

"Of course" Etho said, pulling out his money (he only had 20$) he spread it out like a fan then started fanning himself. "Y'know, cause I'm so rich!"

I snatched 5 dollars from him and ran down the make up aisle. "JOELLL COME BACK HERE!" Etho screamed after me.


Etho grabbed my hood and pulled me back "give me my money back" he held his hand out for me to put the money there

"Finneee" I put the 5 dollars onto his hand and he let me go. "Hey Eefo, do you wanna hang out with me Grian and Jimmy this weekend?"

"Oh sure! Could I bring Tango too?" Etho asked, and I nodded back because God....I'm just so nice!

Me and Etho grabbed some candy and then paid. Me and Etho walked to the park to meet tango there.

After hanging out for like 2 hours I went home. Once I was home I was exhausted. Neither of my parents were home as expected. I looked at the note on the fridge 'Me and your mother decided to go on a little break, we left 60 dollars for you to get pizza'

I went to my room and threw myself down onto the bed, I pulled out my phone and opened my messages.

There was a new group chat made called 'Cool cat + Tim'

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