Chapter 13

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As the commotion outside the common room grew louder, a sense of urgency gripped us like a vise, each heartbeat pounding in time with the rhythm of our fear. With a shared glance, my friends and I sprang into action, instinctively moving to barricade the door against whatever threat lurked beyond.

"Quickly, move the chairs!" Adam called out, his voice urgent as he began to stack furniture against the entrance, his movements swift and sure.

Natasha and Teddy joined him, their faces set in grim determination as they worked together to fortify our defenses. With each piece of furniture we piled against the door, the sense of impending danger only seemed to grow, a silent countdown ticking away in the back of my mind.

But even as we worked to secure the room, a nagging doubt tugged at the edges of my consciousness, whispering words of warning that I struggled to ignore. What if we were too late? What if the danger had already breached our defenses, lurking just beyond the threshold, ready to strike when we least expected it?

With a determined shake of my head, I pushed aside the tendrils of doubt that threatened to ensnare me, focusing instead on the task at hand. We couldn't afford to dwell on what-ifs, not when our lives hung in the balance.

As the last chair was placed against the door, sealing us inside the common room like prisoners in a fortress, a tense silence descended over us like a heavy cloak. We stood shoulder to shoulder, our backs pressed against the barricade, listening intently for any sign of our unseen adversaries.

Minutes stretched into hours as we waited, each second feeling like an eternity as the tension coiled tighter and tighter around us. But just as I began to fear that we were doomed to spend the rest of our days trapped in this room, a sudden voice shattered the silence, sending a jolt of adrenaline coursing through my veins.

"Mia, are you in there?" called a familiar voice from the other side of the door, its owner obscured by the thick wooden barrier that separated us.

Relief flooded through me like a tidal wave as I recognized the voice of Hagrid, the gentle giant who served as the gamekeeper at Hogwarts. Without hesitation, I rushed forward, my hands trembling as I began to move the barricade aside, my friends following suit.

As the last chair was removed from the doorway, the door swung open with a creak, revealing Hagrid's massive form standing on the threshold, his face etched with concern.

"Thank goodness you're all alright," he boomed, his voice echoing through the room like thunder. "There's been trouble brewing outside, and I couldn't let you lot get caught in the crossfire."

With a grateful nod, I stepped forward to embrace Hagrid, his massive arms enveloping me in a bear hug that left me feeling safe and secure. Behind me, I could sense the tension draining from my friends as they too greeted our unexpected savior.

But even as relief washed over us like a healing balm, a sense of unease lingered in the air like a stubborn shadow. What had caused the commotion outside? And more importantly, who was behind it?

As we stepped outside into the corridor, the answer became painfully clear. The halls were filled with students and teachers alike, their faces pale with fear as they whispered in hushed tones, casting wary glances at one another.

"It's the Death Eaters," someone muttered, their voice trembling with dread. "They've come for us."

A chill ran down my spine at the mention of the dark wizards who had once served Voldemort, their allegiance to the dark arts casting a shadow of fear over the wizarding world. But even as panic threatened to consume us, a steely resolve hardened in my heart.

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