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September 15th, 2025

It's been ten years since Chara first went missing now. There's no doubt that they're dead by now...I miss them so much. Every anniversary of their (probably) death, I reread their diary, never letting their memory die.

Chara and I were childhood friends. We grew up together. We were each other's only friends. We helped each other, we protected each other.

But I failed that last one.

I knew I felt something odd, bringing me towards the nearby mountain our country was named after, Mount Ebbot. I should've acted on it, maybe that was where Chara was kidnapped or died. Who knows...

Then again...we were only six and seven, what could I have done to save them?

I realize I'm crying. I quickly wipe my eyes. The less tear stains on Chara's diary, the better. The pages are already stained, as this is the eleventh time I've read it. Once the day they went missing, then every year after.

I'm on the last page now. It's recounting my last memory of them. Though their grammar at the time was horrible, along with their handwriting, I can make out what they were trying to stay.

Dear diory, (Supposed to be diary)
Me and Fri (Their nickname for me at the time) went to park to day! It was fun, we chased and caught a squiral! (Squirrel) Mom and dad refused to let me adopt it though. Poor squiral! It was so thin I could see its bones! Mom yell...yelld? (Yelled) at me for getting dirty during the chase, but she does it so much I dont mind anymore. I went over to Fri's for dinner too! I wanna eat Fri's Mom's home make (Homemade) chocolate pie every single day of my life!
-Chara Determination, Septenber (September) 14th, 2015! ♡♡♡

I wish I had stayed with them for that whole day. I absent mindedly turn the page...but felt one attached to the previous. I pry them apart. It's another entry. It must've been glued to the page for some reason.

Hey. No time to explain. Frisk, (they used my normal name?) If your reading this, I'm sorry. Dad got druk (Drunk?), we got in a physical fight, and then he kicked me out. Remember me mentioning the legend we are told of mount ebbot? Im investigating it now. I took one of mom's daggers and a few supplies. Im heading to the top of the mountain. The very top, the cave. If I don't come back...follow me. Please.
-Chara, Septenber (September) 15th, 2015. ☆

The cave? Nobody ever goes there. It was sealed off by our ancestors years back and we know how wise they were. It's straight up illegal.

However...Chara is more important.

I grab my sachel-backpack thing. I put in the diary, bandages, a small notepad and pencil, and then some food. I put my phone into my zipper pocket. I write a note to mom and dad.

Hey, Frisk here, I'm going to find Chara. I found a new hint. If I don't return in a month, tell the police to search Mount Ebbot. Specifically...the cave. Apologize to Blair Integrity for me.

I walk out the door. I feel a sensation in my chest. It's like a burning feeling, a feeling that I'll find them. That I'll return with them, unharmed, with many new friends.

I climb the mountain. I've hiked this for school many times, just never as high as I'm going.

I reach the boards blocking the cave. I see the carved notices school always talks about.

Undertale; Despair AU 《REWRITE》Where stories live. Discover now