"Hello? Are you okay?"

The lady turns around. It turns out she must be a goat monster. When she looks at me, I see a mix of emotions to the point that I can't tell what it's supposed to be. It softens to a motherly expression a second later.

"Hello, my child. I...apologize...for not realizing you're here. Are you alright? The fall must've hurt..."
"I'm alright!"
"Good, good. Oh! Excuse my forgetfulness...uhm...Welcome to the Underground, young one. I am Toriel, guardian of the Ruins. Come, let me guide you through the catacombs."

She reaches out her hand. I take it. It's really soft and fuzzy, like a puppy's fur. Should I technically call it a paw, even though its just a furry hand?

She guides me up the staircase. The purples, whites, reds and greens make for a pretty sight.

"There are many puzzles throughout the Ruins, ancient fusions between diversions and doorkeys. You'll have to get used to the sight of them."

We enter a room with a puzzle. She automatically does it and leads me out the door.

We continue going through, doing puzzles, pulling levers, and more. Any time a monster (normally a frog based one) tried starting a battle with me, Toriel scares them away.

We reach a house soon.

"Welcome home, my child. I have a surprise for you!"

She leads me inside and to the right, then enters the first room.

"It's a room for you! I recently cleaned it up, so you can make it your own. You should take a nap, you must be very exhausted!"

Though I know I'm not staying here longer than needed, I agree and lay on the bed. It's very comfortable. I fall asleep almost immediately.

I have a dream that is...really weird. It includes seven people, me, Chara, a boy with short silver hair and purple eyes, a brunette girl with a long braid and emerald eyes, a blonde girl with ponytails and cyan eyes (whom I know as Aaliyah, the town bully), a person with short black or blue hair and deep blue eyes (Blair, my only friend for the past 10 years), and a girl with short dark brown hair and orange eyes.

I don't know what we're all doing exactly, but we're all joined hand in hand, facing something very similar to the glowing light that seemed to be a one way barrier up in the cave.

I see a shadow of someone wearing a cowboy hat behind me. They seem to be slightly glowing a yellow hue.


September 16th, 2025

I wake up suddenly, as if someone was staring at me. When my eyes focus, I see a large vine in front of me.

"Shh, It's me, your friend Flowey!"

Flowey appears beside me.

"Flowey, what're you doing?" I whisper.
"Oh...uh...uhm...nothing! I gotta go now!"

The vine and Flowey disappear into the ground. I have even more questions.

I get up, steady myself (that must've been a really good rest!), and start walking around. Toriel must be somewhere in here.

After moving towards the left of the front door, I find her on a chair reading. She looks comfortable.

"Oh! Good morning, my child. Did you have a good rest?" She asks me.
"Yeah, thanks for letting me stay here!"
"It is my pleasure! While you were sleeping, I made you a butterscotch pie! Here, I'll go and get you a slice, you can take a seat at the table in the meantime."

Undertale; Despair AU 《REWRITE》Where stories live. Discover now