"Oh, it looks like you've fallen down, haven't you?"
"Hey, it's alright, I'm not going to hurt you!"
"Chara, huh? That's a nice name."
"My na.. is Asr...l..."

September 18th, 2025

I wake up to Flowey beside me.

"Oh! Howdy! I was afraid you weren't going to wake up. Don't scare me like that!" He says.
"S...Sorry..." My head hurts a lot. By product of falling from... probably 50-100 meters.
"It's fine! You were out for a full day and, not wanting to risk anyone seeing you in this state, I had to just shield you from view. Al...this yellow lizard kept trying to visit this exact spot! Golly, she was annoying."
"A whole day..?"
"Yep! I should get going now, don't get yourself killed!" He says with a wink before disappearing into the ground.

I steady myself and get up. I fell on a bed of golden flowers, I guess. In my village, you could combine everyone's money, double it, and still not have enough for even a fraction of all these flowers.

I almost fall when stepping off of the flowers. This weird blue mud-sand type thing is all the way up to my waist. It's freezing.

This must be a garbage dump. There's piles upon piles of trash.

In the piles of trash, I see a few things of note. There's a ton of yellow names. There's a few on top that I can read, such as Doggo and Dogaressa. There's a few below that I can read a bit of. Cup__ke, Doga__, and ___ser Dog. Then there's one that catches my attention. It's a long one. I jump up to grab it.

"Asriel Dreemurr"

Asriel? Dreemurr? I swear I remember Monster Kid mentioning the king being Asgore Dreemurr...and his son...Asriel...

This is the king's son's. The king's son must've had something happen to him. Could be death, could be something else, but I have a sinking feeling that he's dead...but also a gut feeling that I've met him, somehow.

I put it back and continue walking through the mud-sand-water. There's more trash, along with a dummy.

I ignore the dummy and keep going. Big mistake, it seems, as the dummy appears in front of me.

"Foolish. Foolish! FOOLISH!" They say.
"Wha-" They cut me off.
"You're really going to ignore me just like you did to my cousin!?"
"I didn't-"
"And the things your kind has done...Despicable. Despicable! DESPECIABLE! I'll make you regret ever coming here, human!"

The Mad Dummy starts a fight.

"Dummies! Attack!"

Tiny dummies appear in the bottom of the battle box. They shoot cotton at me. I dodge it in a way where it hits Mad Dummy.

"Idiots. Idiots! IDIOTS! Don't hit me with your magic attacks!"
"Forget I said anything about magic!"

I can't talk since they keep cutting me off, which is my one ACT, so maybe the solution is to get them to be hit by the cotton balls? I'll try it at least.

Mad Dummy starts flying around like crazy. It's harder to aim the cotton balls now.

"You REALLY think you could get away with ignoring my cousin?! They're a sensitive little ghost! They were hoping you'd go over and strike up a friendly conversation--BUT NO! You just walked away like they were a pile of trash!"

Mad Dummy mutters something about not remembering the cousin's name right before I hit them with more cotton balls.

"Once I kill you...I can take your soul! Then, I can cross the barrier, and stand in the window of a fancy clothes shop!"

Undertale; Despair AU 《REWRITE》Where stories live. Discover now