The Game - Chapter 3 3/4

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~Tom's POV~

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~Tom's POV~

>Who is this woman, disrupting my plans with Slughorn. I should have ended her existence the moment she burst into Borgin and Burks. Now it's too late, they will look for the new professor. History < - I scoff to myself while lost in my thoughts.

She eyes me as if I stole her favorite candy, yet never taking her eyes off me throughout dinner. I must admit, her knowledge of the wizarding world's history is commendable. I didn't even know who the founder of Hogsmeade was. Perhaps because I care little for anyone here; they are inconsequential. However, Miss Eva sees potential in everyone and everything. Quite naive. Despite my reservations, I spent the evening conversing with this woman, not feeling the usual urge to escape her company, as I often do with people. People bore me; they are so simple-minded and run after illusions, or should I say delusions.. anyway. I prefer to spend my valuable time studying unfamiliar topics rather than listening to anyones tales.

As the evening ends, we both leave simultaneously. It appears that no matter my actions, this woman consistently interferes. Were I less informed, I might suspect her of being a spy. If so, she's not particularly adept.
Exiting Slughorn's chamber without his notice, as he is a drunken fool. Disregarding the bigger picture will never happen to me. As we leave the chamber, Eva unexpectedly collides with me. I think to myself, "Clumsy woman," while catching her shoulders. I have anger issues, so I squeeze them. She apologizes, looking scared. To my displeasure, I apologize as well.

I will maintain my smiles, perhaps her knowledge will prove useful in the future

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I will maintain my smiles, perhaps her knowledge will prove useful in the future. As charming and good-looking as I am, it will be easy to deceive her. "Good night, Miss Orlov..." I say softly. 
"Eva.." she says causing me to look at her puzzled. "Eva...Good night Tom.."
 I keep quiet about her comment as I hate my false name, observing her departure to her private chambers.I will bide my time and continue to play the part of the charming gentleman. Miss Eva may have her suspicions, but I am confident in my ability to keep her in the dark.

As I retire to my own chambers, I can't help but smile at the thought of the secrets I hold and the power I possess

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As I retire to my own chambers, I can't help but smile at the thought of the secrets I hold and the power I possess. This game is far from over. The pieces are falling into place, and soon my enemies will realize the extent of my cunning. They may think they have the upper hand now, but little do they know the true depths of my strategy.
Victory is within my grasp, and I will stop at nothing to achieve it.
The game is not over until I say it is.

Imortality unveiled  ~Tom Riddle x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now